][< S I X T E E N >][

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Its been 7 days since Chan met Jisoo. Things have been going SPLENDIDLY.

Jisoo was extremely kind- and was cute.

Chan had learned that the male was a year older than him, but sometimes felt as if he was the elder among them.

They had called, and Jisoo had even visited.

But there was also something else.

The Yoons had finally talked to him for more than 10 minutes.

They realized that avoiding him was irrational- especially when they wanted to provide them with a home.

Chan quickly noticed how at peace he felt when he was with the Yoons- and Jisoo.

But there was another thing- this one, not as positive.

What is this, you may ask?

Well, they're a person.

By the name of Yoon Jeonghan.

Chan couldn't tell how Jeonghan felt about him.

However he was willing to overlook that...

Yes, Jeonghan would become his new brother if he chose to accept being adopted-

but why would he pass up the opportunity to get closer with Jisoo?


"I'm so happy you decided to accept the offer! I can't believe this. My baby!" The staff member said while bringing him in for a hug.

"I'll miss you." Chan said with a smile.

"Chan! I'm happy! Jeonghan lives pretty close, so I'll visit a lot, okay? And! My parents are on a two month vacation and I'm staying with the Yoons!" Jisoo exclaimed, hugging Chan after the orphanage staff woman was done hugging him.

"Yes, Chan. We are happy as well." Mr. Yoon said.

"I'm so excited!" Mrs. Yoon said with a smile.

"Yeah. Welcome to the family, kid." Jeonghan said, forcing a smile.

"Han!" Jisoo said, the male rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry about him. He's just new to this. I promise he's nice when you get to know him." Jisoo said, smiling and squishing Chan's cheeks.

"Hyung!" Chan playfully whined.

"Get used to it. Jeonghan doesn't let me do it to him, so you're my target." Jisoo said, smirking playfully.

"Oh its on." Chan said, putting his arm around Jisoo and smirking back.

And now for YET ANOTHER time skip.

And I bet you're thinking:

What's with all the time skips?

Can't we just get along with the story?

HOW is this relevant?

The answers to these questions?

You'll see ;)

It's been 2 days since Chan was adopted.

He, Jisoo, and the Yoons have been hitting it off.

But now it was time to go to bed.

They were on summer vacation, but they were attending some kind of event in the morning.

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