][< S E V E N T Y </> F O U R >][

501 31 21

][ Saturday: Week 6 ][

"Everywhere I go, I fuck something up. Everyone would be better off if I just wasn't here." Chan cried, holding a razor blade up to his wrist.

He hadn't been home and ended up running away to an abandoned building.

I messed everything up. Jeonghan hyung was always right. Chan thought while getting his phone out.

He wanted to at least apologize to someone before he left.

Jeonghan would be the only one to not ignore him, so that's who he decided to call.

Chan! Oh my god, where the hell are you? Me and Cheol are worried fucking sick, you piece of shi- sorry. I don't mean that...but where are you?

Huh? Why do you care? It's not like you give a shit about me.

Look, Chan. I know I'm a shitty person, but I'm trying to be better. And about the thing with Jisoo...you might not be the one to blame.

What are you talking about?

Where are you? We need to talk...and I need to ask you some stuff.

I'm at...uh...some abandoned building. It's big...and dark brown...and kinda creepy...

You don't know where you are?! Fucking idio- nope I'm gonna be nicer. Just send me your location.

My phone is about to die...

Ugh! Is it next to anything? The place you're at?

I'm in between a tool shop and a...movie theater.

Oh shit! I know where you are! It used to be some company building when me, Cheol, and Jisoo were little kids! But it closed down because they went bankrupt. And apparently, the heir to the company was a pedo.

Oh wow.

I know, right? But I'll call you back?

Hyung...can you....s-stay on the phone?


Never mind! I knew it was too much. Just pretend I didn't say anythin-

Sure. What should we talk about? I'm getting in the car now. Have you eaten?

Huh? Um...no. I was kinda gonna kill myself before this...


I'm sorry.

Don't apologize, Chan. Just...wait for me. And don't do something like that just because of two people. You're only seventeen years old. You have your whole life ahead of you.

I guess. It hurts, though. Knowing that I ruined relationships. Soonyoung hyung and Jihoon hyung. And Jisoo hyung and Seokmin hyung.

First of all, Soonyoung also slept with you. It takes two to cheat. He just put all the blame on you. Second of all, the Jisoo thing is...complicated. You technically kissed him, but there might be more to the story.

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