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"L-look I can explain. Babe, please calm down." Wonwoo said desperately, going over to Mingyu.

"Why, Wonwoo? Fucking Jun of all people? Am I not good enough?" Pushing Wonwoo away from him and doing his best to hold back the tears in his eyes, Mingyu asked.

"Jun, you fucking promised!" Minghao yelled.

"I know...please it was an accident. I swear it meant nothing. We were drunk and both really stressed i-it just happened." Jun explained, Minghao scoffing.

"I thought you fucking changed, Jun! You know, I actually thought that THE Wen Junhui loved me! You promised to never hurt me! Yet here we fucking are! I guess I was wrong. This was a mistake." Minghao said harshly.

"Hao, please. I can make it up to you in any way you want! Just please don't say that. I love you." Jun said, tears falling as he pulled Minghao for a hug.

Minghao, though, didn't hug back.

"Fuck yourself- or Wonwoo. We're done." Minghao pushed Jun away as he spoke.

"Gyu." Minghao said.

"Gyu..." Wonwoo trailed.

"Please just let me explain! It meant nothing to me. I love you, Gyu. You know that. Please." Wonwoo begged, holding Mingyu's hands in his own.

"How am I supposed to feel, Wonwoo? I tried to be everything for you. But it wasn't good enough. Maybe I'm just not meant for you." Mingyu said.

"Baby, please don't do this. It was a stupid mistake. Gyu, I love you!" Wonwoo said, Mingyu removing his hand from Wonwoo's.

"Mingyu, I'm so sorry. Just please don't leave me." Wonwoo cried.

"Hao. I fucked up, but please let's just talk this out." Jun begged.

"Talk this out! Talk what out, Jun?! The fact that you fucked your friend's boyfriend?!" Minghao yelled.

"I'm leaving. You coming, Mingyu?" Minghao asked while walking out of the house.

Mingyu sighed and followed Minghao out the door after taking one last look at Wonwoo.

"Mei what the fuck?! How did you even get that?!" Jun yelled.

"Junnie~ That boy is no longer an issue. You're all mine!" Mei said, mischievously grinning.

"Fuck you, Mei." Wonwoo said with a bitter chuckle.

"I won this, Wonwoo." Mei said as she approached the male. "You just cried and begged for his forgiveness in front of everyone. But he dumped you! How incredibly pathetic." Mei giggled as she spoke.

"You won the battle, Mei. But mark my words, I'll win the fucking war." Wonwoo threatened.

"Try me. I'm untouchable." Mei said with a smirk.

"I'll find a way. I always do." Wonwoo said.

Jun went and unplugged the TV, people still watching the video.

"Party's over. Fuck off, all of you." Jun said, people groaning but going out the door.

"I don't understand why you're mad at me. You wouldn't have done it if you were this concerned about your relationship." Mei said with a chuckle.

Wonwoo scoffed while leaving the house as well, slamming the door behind him.

"Junnie~ We're alone." Mei said.

"Get out of my fucking house." Jun said while storming off to his room, slamming the door.

"Everyone is so moody." Mei said while sipping some soju that happened to be lying around.

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