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(In this story male pregnancy is not that common or not that rare also... The males who can conceive are born with both genitals... They can decide whether they want to conceive or live like a male)


A certain ravenette is sleeping in a peaceful slumber in his beautifully decorated bedroom, a natural pout decorating his handsome face.

"Jungkook wake up my boy.. " His sleep got disturbed by his mother's voice.

"Jungkook wake up already it is already 8.30 am"

He groaned. "Five more minutes maa"

She smiled at his cuteness.. "Haah.. I can't believe this boy is going to be a teacher.. Who himself is a child".

Jungkook got offended" Maa... I am not a child.... "

She laughed... "Yes.. A big baby"...

" Maaaa... "He yelled and marched towards the washroom.

" Quickly come down stairs.. I am preparing breakfast "

With that she went down stairs to finish her kitchen work.

Jungkook's pov:

I am jeon jungkook, a twenty four years old man or boy... Whatever. My family business is big. .. But I am not interested... I always dreamed to be a teacher... I know one day I have to take over our company.... But for now I want to fulfill my dream.

My parents doesn't have any complain about it... They always let me do what I want to do. My friends told me that teaching is a boring job... Bla.. Bla... Bla... But for me... It is my passion. I always admired teachers at my school.

And right now a annoying lady broke my morning sleep... She loves to tease me. But she also love me very much... My maa, Jeon somy. Our relation more like friends than mother and son.

My dad... Ahh.. About my dad I always admire him... He is handsome, talented, good natured  and forgiving. He loves me very much..... But... Not more than my mom.... My bad. I love them both and the way they love each other.... Someday I want to be like them with the person I will love...

After shower I wore a while shirt with skinny blue jeans, combed my hair and wore some jewellery.. I liked earrings very much... I have a full box of collection.

After being satisfied with my looks I headed down stairs for breakfast... My not so sweet mom waiting for me...

"Maaa... I am here... "

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now