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When jungkook walked out of the bathroom he saw taehyung is still in the room sitting on the bed.

Here jungkook is going insane thinking how will he face taehyung.

He again went back to bathroom and did some jogging to calm his racing heart but instead because of the jogging his heart is running more faster. He was crying internally.

But somehow he went in front of taehyung gathering courage to speak to him.

When he stand in front of him taehyung immediately looked down playing with his finger. Cheeks were red.

"Umm... Taehyung... So-sorry.... I don't know what gotten into me earlier.. "

Taehyung still isn't looking up.

Jungkook thought he made him upset. He was feeling guilty.

"Tae... You can give me whatever punishment you like........ Umm.... Forgive me... Pls... " Jungkook kneeled down in front of him.

Taehyung finally looked at him. They made an eye contact.

"Will you forgive me" Jungkook softly asked while holding his hands tenderly.

Taehyung didn't said anything. He just close their face distance then gave a quick peck to jungkook lips and ran from there.

Jungkook was dumbfounded. He is still sitting there with wide eyes.

"Did he just kiss me by himself? "
.... Jungkook questioned himself in disbelief.

Later he sat there with a shy smile on his face scratching his nape.

Taehyung was blushing mess. He can't believe he really did that. After coming from jungkook's room he directly went to eun.

Who is awake playing with his plushy.

"What happened today ha? You are not grumpy after waking up? " Taehyung questioned eun who is looking at him mumma with a smiley face.

Taehyung put him on his arm and squished the baby lovingly who is giggling his heart out.

Jungkook was fully drowned at the kiss incident but suddenly he remembered something.

He was drugged and there is no doubt it is done by sana. Remembering her jungkook gritted his teeth.

"And I clearly saw taehyung's mom in the cctv footage, I was also drugged then..... Is she have any connection with today's incident too...... I need to find out quickly"

"I am pretty sure she is the one who made taehyung sleep with me...... But why?.... " Jungkook was thinking to himself.

"I need to talk with Jackson and gather evidence against her..... Taehyung need to know the truth.... " Jungkook murmur in a determined voice.

Mijo wasn't in the house she went out with her friends. She was very happy thinking that her daughter may have captured  jungkook but alas how wrong she is.

She already started to flexing in front of her parents that her daughter's boyfriend is jeon jungkook, how much gift he bought for them everytime etc.

Jungkook and taehyung had their dinner together as mijo and sana both isn't home.

Taehyung was very shy so as jungkook. They had their dinner silently but stealing glances time to time.

"Umm.... Good night tae.. "

"Good night... "

The bid good night then went to their respected room.

Taehyung feed eun who is still awake.

After feeding eun taehyung was trying to make him sleep but he isn't sleeping.

Jungkook on the other hand was being impatient. He can't stay away from tae. He was constantly walking back and forth biting his nails.

"I badly want to be with themmm" Jungkook whinned to himself.

But then without thinking anything he directly went to taehyung's room who was talking with the naughty eun.

Jungkook is grinning happily after seeing a perfect opportunity to be with taehyung.

"Let me help tae.. " Jungkook entered the room with a normal expression while inside he was jumping in excitement.

"Ok... Ey? "... Taehyung was surprised by the sudden visit.

Then after trying for thirty minutes eun finally slept.

" Ok... Hyung..  You can go now.. "Taehyung said while preparing to sleep.

Jungkook is now scratching his head trying to find a way to stay in this room.

" Umm.... Tae.  My room's ac isn't working... Can I stay here for today? "Jungkook asked making a puppy eyes.

" Yes... Hyung... Of course.. You sleep beside eun I'm going to sleep on the couch.. "Taehyung attempted to wake up from bed.

" No... Taehyung you should sleep beside him you know na he needs you even in his sleep  "

Taehyung chuckled.

"Umm... I can adjust beside you.. There is still space left.... I also have a habit of cuddling someone while sleep... It will be good for me.. ".. Jungkook smiled anxiously worried about taehyung's reaction about his proposal.

Taehyung smiled and nodded. Jungkook is now jumping like a monkey but internally.

Taehyung layed down soon jungkook also joined him cuddling him from the back. Jungkook inhaled in relief.

Taehyung' was blushing profusely. Feeling jungkook's hot breath hitting his neck.

Jungkook was holding him with his one hand and other one is under taehyung's head completely spooning him.

Taehyung' was feeling very comfortable in the warm secure hold. He caressed eun's hair smiling. The moment felt very homely to be taehyung. A beautiful family which taehyung always dreamed of.

Soon he felt into a deep slumber feeling euphoric from within...

And jungkook, he is in total bliss by getting hold taehyung to himself securely. His warmth is giving him comfort.

He kissed taehyung's hair lovingly and went to sleep. Not wanting to miss the warmth for a second. He wanted to fill it for the rest of his life. And he would make it happen.

Late at night mijo came home drunk and directly went to her room and slept with a smile.

And sana was with her  friends roaming in the club being fully drunk.

"That jeon jungkook.... What he thinks about himself ha?...... I can't believe he rejected me ... And choose that ugly taehyung.... Eww"... She blabbering with his friends being drunk.

" Leave that jungkook baby.... Come with me.... We should have some fun.... "A stranger in the club offered her.

" Umm.... You are not handsome like jungkook but... Still ok...... Take me with you... I need some fun. "She said sensually to the strangers ear.

" Go on sana...... Have fun all night "... One of her friend cheered for her.

" Umm... I will  ... Let's go.. "

She went with the stranger not noticing that the person have a gun in his back.


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