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Jungkook's pov:

I will join the school from today... So first I will attend the school then I will go to my apartment. Thr driver uncle will wait for me.

I am a bit late... But I hope the principal will consider me..

"Jungkook don't make a blunder in the first day of your joining" I scold myself.

I fixed my shirt and tie.. After I satisfied with my look I get down from my car.

Ahh... My first day as a teacher....

I looked at the school board "blossom high school"... Finally I fulfilled my dream.

I walked toward the principle's room... But I don't know the correct direction.. I have to ask someone. I look at my both sides... Some girls are standing like a statue... That's very strange. I called one of them..

" Ahh... Excuse me... Can you tell me the direction of principles room"

The girl was looking at me like I am some dessert. There are also some boys who were squealing like children... Strange.

Looks like I need time to understand the students behaviors.

"Ahh.. Humm... Th-the principles office is in the last part of this Hall... Just go straight and you can find it.

" Ok.. Thank you "I smiled.

The girls in the group are jumping like mad person... While discussing something among themselves..

Ahh.. I don't have time.. I have to reach principles office.. So I quickly walked away to the principles room.


" Omg... Have you seen... How much handsome he is.... And when he smiled I feel like I will faint".. One girl of the group spoke up.

"Is he our new teacher... I am going crazy" Another one stated.

"Did you all noticed his muscles.... U think I am in love with those".. One girl said making a dramatic jester.

" I want to make him my boyfriend "the class president sara spoke up.

Every one in the group stopped their conversation and looked at sara in disbelief.

" But this is impossible sara... He might be our teacher ".. Sara's friend jenny spoke up.

" Then tell me... Who is the most beautiful girl in the school "

"Of course you... Or who else" Her another friend uttered.

"But... Kim taehyung is also very beautiful... Many boys are drooling over him".. Jenny uttered.

Sara's expression changed.. " Who.. That poor Kim.... There are many rumours about him.... "

"That's are just rumors"

"But I heard that he was a slut... So his mother kicked him out from his house" She said while rolling her hair with her fingers.

"Don't say anything rubbish about someone... You don't have any proof about those rumors" Jenny protested.

Sara turned to Jenny.. "Whose friend are you me Or that Kim"

"Of course yours, I am your childhood friend"

"Then why are you taking his side"

"I am not taking anyone's side... I am just spelling the fact"

"Whatever" Sara rolled his eyes.

"Now drop the topic of that Kim... I don't want to waste my precious time taking about the poor nerd"

"Common girls... Lets go to the class" Sara went to  the class with her friends. Jenny sigh and went behind them.

In the class...

The girls entered the class room while conversing about jungkook' among themselves.

Jimin heard them.

"Tae... Look those girls are talking about the new teacher... They are also saying that he is very handsome "

"Ohh my... I want to see him... I can't hold my excitement"

"Hah.... Jimina... I can't with you" Taehyung shook his head and went back to paint his unfinished painting.

Jimin was smiling like a fool making a dreamy face.

After few minutes the principal entered the class... Every one stand up and greets him good morning.

He greeted back.. "Good morning students... I  am here today to introduce your new history teacher as well as your homeroom teacher. "

Jungkook entered in the class room nervously. Every one gasped.. They can't believe their own eyes that such handsome teacher is their history teacher and on top of that their homeroom teacher.

Jimin's eyes grew bigger... He was astonished by his handsomeness.

"Tae... See.... I told you.... The new teacher looks like a hero"

Taehyung looked at him... He is indeed very handsome.... But something happened to taehyung's heart looking at the teacher but he shrugged it off.

"Hi students... My name is Jeon jungkook.. Your new history teacher... I will work hard to make everyone love history"

"We already love it sir" Sara spoke up.

"Yes.. Sir... History was boaring.. But not anymore" Another girl spoke up. Every one cheers her.

"Ok... Ok... Stop talking among yourself.... "

"And... Jungkook.. I am taking my leave... "

"Handle your class well.. Good luck"

"I will do my best sir" Jungkook bowed him. The principle left.

Jungkook took a deep breath to reduce his nervousness. Once he calmed himself down he went to seat.

Every one looking at him in awe..

"So... Class... Let's start with the introduction"

Every one answered affirmatively.

Sara stand up from her seat.. "Then sir start with me... I am the class president"

Jungkook remembered her... She is the second girl from the hallway.

"Ok... Then... You start"

"Hi sir.. My name is kang Sara, my family is the richest family in the town.. Ans I am the most beautiful girl in this school"

Jungkook felt  a little awkward by her description but he didn't show it in his face.. "Ok.. Good... Next"

One by one every one introduced themselves. The last table is jimin's and taehyung's.

Jimin stand up with a bright smile on his face.. "Hello sir... My name is park jimin.. And I am very cute and lovely... And I love history" Jungkook smiled... And jimin nearby fainted seeing his smiled.

"Ok... Sit down... Next student"

Taehyung slowly stand up from his seat. Jungkook eyes stuck on his face.. "Hel-hello I am kim taehyung and I love art and history".. Taehyung uttered lowering his face.

Jungkook out of daze blabbered out..

" Do I know you"every one looked at jungkook with curiosity.

Taehyung finally looked at him.. "No sir.. I didn't think so"

Jungkook's daze broke.. He cleared his throat to subside the awkwardness.

"Ok... Sit down "

He went back to his seat... "Class.. Open you text book.. Page no 59"

"Ok.. Sir" Every one speak out.

Jungkook started to teach them but his eyes are on tae time to time. But he quickly shrugged it off thinking as a absurd thing.

He teached them in a unique way... Everyone loved it including taehyung.


Good morning guys... 💜💜💜

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