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From the day taehyung returned home he taehyung was trying to avoid jungkook as much as possible.

Just like today when jungkook was trying to approach taehyung in the lunch break taehyung turned his back to him and left from the place.

Jungkook was confirmed about tae's behavior.

These days whenever jungkook went to pick taehyung, he never appeared in front of him. He mostly left school early or skip the school and it was very concerning for Jungkook.

Jungkook noticed that taehyung was deliberately avoiding jungkook and this matter bothering jungkook so much to the police that he can't sleep thinking about taehyung and why is he avoiding him.

Whenever jungkook went to the shop to meet with taehyung he finds himself mostly busy with customer of other works. Jungkook couldn't find any scope to talk with him or take Eun with him. Jungkook was missing them both.

On the other side taehyung can see jungkook's dejected face whenever he avoids him . His heartache at the sight. He also want to talk with him, spend time with him, but he can't because it will only harm him. And taehyung can't let that happen to that kind human being.

Taehyung noticed that Eun also miss him. He cry for him and it was very hard for taehyung to stop the crying baby because the baby wants his father's warmth.

Jungkook was still trying, he is trying to find out the reason. He wants to talk with taehyung, wants to clear everything but taehyung won't letting him do that. Jungkook was so restless. Mrs. Jeon left after two days of taehyung's departure after that everything is very stressing for jungkook.

He isn't eating properly or sleeping properly. After trying for more than one week jungkook's patience reached his limit. He was going insane. So he decided something. Something would make many life shattered or make a beautiful family.

He wants to tell the truth which was he hiding for a long time.He wants to get his family back at any cost.

With a determined mindset he set off to taehyung's place in the middle of the night.

His mind is playing tricks with him. Making him sad and vulnerable.... He can feel that he can't live without them. This one week is literally hell for him, he can't ensure more. While thinking those he arrived in front of taehyung's apartment with something in his hand.

He reached the door with slow steps. After taking a deep breath he finally knocked the door. Legs were shaking in nervousness.

After waiting for some moments a figure opened the door and he wants to see him always, wants to be with him.

Jungkook was staring at him with lots of emotions in his eyes.

Taehyung was shocked to see jungkook at midnight.

"What are you doing here sir at this hour".... Taehyung asked in shock.

" Ca-can I come in".. Jungkook hesitantly asked.

"Um.. Yes... Come in"... Taehyung hesitantly welcomed him.

Taehyung told him to sit.

" Can you also sit beside me".. Jungkook requested him.

Taehyung is looking at jungkook's face.

"He is looking tired and thin... did something happened to him".. Taehyung thought. Worried for the elder.

Taehyung nodded at jungkook's request and sat beside him.

" Tae".. Jungkook suddenly spoke up.

"Yes" Taehyung answered calmly without looking at his eyes.

"Did I do something wrong, did I hurt you".. Jungkook asked taehyung in a shaky voice. He seemed vulnerable.

Taehyung gulped the lump in his throat which was giving him a burning sensation.

'No... You never hurt me... You always helped me in every situation.... I am always thankful to you. "

"Then.. Why are you avoiding me, ignoring me... Tell me"

Taehyung lowered his gaze, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I am doing it for your good sir, you shouldn't involve with a student like me, a student who have a child.... I could hamper your reputation"... Taehyung said those still looking down.

Jungkook was looking at him in disbelief" How can you say that taehyung.... You know it very well that I don't care what people say about me because I know what am I doing....... Tae what makes you think that I will be bother about such things "... Jungkook said with a little rage in his voice.

" But... I care about that..... I care about you, your reputation...... You are my elders, my teacher and moreover you are the who helped me the most at my worst..... I can't see you getting insulted.. I can't take it"

Taehyung was crying silently. Jungkook's eyes are also moist.

"Tae... I only care about you anything else doesn't matter"

"But you shouldn't sir, you shouldn't.... I am only your student.... Our relation is only made for school not one's personal life".. Taehyung said those a little loudly.

Jungkook's heart was being shuttered at taehyung's words.

Taehyung realised what he said. He immediately begged for forgiveness. "I am sorry sir.... I shouldn't said those.... Sorry".. He begged crying.

Without thinking anything jungkook hugged the crying boy. Taehyung was crying at his embrace.

" It's ok.. It's ok taehyung.... Don't cry.. "He caressed his head in soothing manner in order to calm him down.

After few minutes of crying taehyung finally calmed down.

" Where is eun".. Jungkook asked.

"He is sleeping, he was crying in the whole evening"


"Tae..... I want to say some truth to you.... I was waiting for the right time but I can't wait anymore... I really want to say this........ After that you can decided what you want to do, "

"If... You ha-hate me... Pls..... Hit me Or anything but don't keep me away from you guys..... I will die"... Jungkook said with a glossy eyes.

Taehyung was shocked yet confused about what truth jungkook want to told him... Why is he behaving like this....


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