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"You did wear for me.. " His voice is hoarse coming out in a strained whisper.

Taehyung whimpered inwardly under his gaze..

The latter circled his arm around his slender west taking him more towards his body till there is no longer a slightest gap to pass a gush of air.

Taehyung can feel the elder's hot breath on his face... Even the racing heartbeat can be heard through their close proximity.

Taehyung eye contacted with jungkook showing his adorable puppy eyes.

"You are too cute for your own good..... Damnnn...!! " He said into his mind as it was getting crazy with each passing second.

Taehyung bit his lips in nervousness looking down feeling too shy to look up..

"Baby..... " Jungkook whispered huskily.

Jungkook lifted taehyung's chene with his fingers caressing his thumb over taehyung's bitten lips which seems reder than before.

"Don't bite it..... Only I can do that... " Jungkook said with a teasing smirk lingering on his lips. Taehyung went a total tomato hearing that.

But to jungkook's surprise, taehyung tiptoes pecked jungkook out of nowhere.

Jungkook smirked and kissed back without letting taehyung break the peck. He pressed taehyung's head from behind pulling him in a more intense and deep kiss.

Abusing his honey lips which jungkook is addicted to. Their tongue tangled up with each other devouring each other's sweetness with equal eagerness.

Taehyung fisted jungkook's hand full of hair while other hand find it's way to his back caressing up and down.

Jungkook slowly started walking towards the bed without breaking the kiss. Soon they fall over with jungkook hovering over taehyung.

"Do you want it baby... If you say I can stop here... I won't mind... "

Jungkook asked whispering caressing his hair in a soothing manner.

"No..... I want you as much as you want me..... I trust you the most in this world..... I can give you everything... Cause... I love you.... " Taehyung sincerely said those words gazing at jungkook's dark orbs.

"I love you too... My baby.. " Jungkook smiled and kissed his temple lovingly, then his eyes, his nose... Then again pulled him in a hungry kiss and leaving him when he is almost breathless gasping for air.

Jungkook abruptly stand and started to unbutton his shirt throwing it somewhere in the room.

Taehyung was looking at his perfect body which was making him more hot.. When jungkook caught him in staring his looked down in embarrassment.

Jungkook again hovered over him with a playful smirk making him look at him. "No need to be embarrassed baby... It's all yours to see, yours to touch, yours to feel... "Jungkook uttered with hoarse voice making taehyung touch his abs who caressed it very softly almost making jungkook moan.

He captured taehyung's hand  caging him over his head making taehyung whimper.. He started giving his wet kisses all over his neck making dark purple hickey. Taehyung moaned out at the foreign feeling.

The sound of moan felt like a pleasurable rhythm to jungkook which he can heard throughout his lifetime.

After painting his umarkaid neck with hickeys he started to unbutton taehyung's shirt who is now trying to cope up with those foreign feeling.

Jungkook kissed taehyung's cleavage diverting his attention to jungkook.

Taehyung moaned.

Jungkook took s minute to devour the sight in front of him. Taehyung's hair is messy, lips is swollen, his covered  breast as movie up and down due to heavy breathing, the teary eyes gazing directly at him.

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