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(The 9th and 10th chapter got mixed up so I changed the numbers..... This is the new chapter)

Taehyung's pov:

I woke up early today... I have many workers to do. First I checked Eun's diper. I kissed on his forehead and went to do my morning routine.

After that I made some breakfast for myself. In the meantime eun also wake up .

I think he loves my voice.. He stopped crying.

"Is my baby hungry" I said to him while rubbing his nose with me.

He gave me a toothless grin... That was too cute.

I set himself in my lap and he started sucking milk.

I also had my break fast.

After fulfilling his tummy I burped him and layed him on the bed with his toys.

The door bell ranged... And I know who it was.

I opened the door with a smile and I was engulfed in a tinny hug.

"Untle you are lookin beautiful today"

"Thanks princess" She likes it very much when someone call her princess.

"Whele.. Is the baby " She cutely asked cupping my face"

"He is playing with his toys... Go and play with him"

She ran towards him and started playing.

"thank you taehyung... I am going then....bye"

"Work hard noona" I encouraged her and She smiled.

I waved her bye and went to the babies.

"Soha wait here five minutes... I will be ready real quick... "

I went and got ready with a simple shirt and pant.. And eun with a cute floral onesie. I put him in a baby carrier and set out for soha's school.

I dropped her in her school and went to do my work... The days when I won't go to school I worked in doubt shift... In that way I can get some extra money.

Eun was sleeping peace fully in the carrier... So I decided to rearrange the messy items which customers made while shopping.

Judging my age every one thought that Eun is my brother or nephew... I never cleared their doubt.. They can think whatever they want.

I brought some pumped milk with me as I can't feed him here directly. After the morning shift I got break in the afternoon... The time for picking up soha from school.

I went to school and pickup her up from there... Then we reached home by bus.

After reaching home I placed my sleeping baby on the bed. Soha is a smart kid.. She began to do her homework. I went to make some food for me and soha... She loves my cooking.😇

"Soha baby.. I made you some food come and eat quickly"

"Coming untle"

I served her food. She ate with a happy smile, I also smiled looking at her. We had some fun conversation... She mostly talked about her friends and their silly doings.

I also think will Eun be naughty like them. I smiled at my thoughts.

Later noona came home from her work and took soha with her.

Now it's me and baby... I have work from 7 pm. Now it's 6 ... I still have one hour.

In that time feed him and washed his body clean... He was clapping happily with his tiny hands... He loves to wash up like this.

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now