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"" Hyaa!. Jungkook! What are you doing.. Come down quickly.. "Mrs.jeon shouted from downstairs.

Jungkook finally broke the kiss leaving taehyung breathless , with dissolve hair, swollen lips and red tinted cheeks.

Jungkook controlled himself from going further.. But the sight in front of him driving him crazy.

Jungkook smiled playfully and joined their forehead together. Taehyung was smiling shyly.

"Mom is calling us.. " Jungkook whispered.


"We need to go.. "

"Yes.. " Taehyung whispered still in the daze of jungkook effect.

Jungkook smiled and leaned on for another kiss but this kiss is soft with out any tongue included.

Jungkook is still hovering over him.

Suddenly the door get opened. They flinched at the sound.

"Jungkook.. You brat.. " He abruptly wake up from the bed and stood straight with a embarrassed face.

Taehyung sat on the bed to shy to look at anyone.

"Um.. Mom... I was just coming... " Said with a embarrassed smiled.

"Umm... I saw how are you coming.. " She said in a teasing tone.

"Come down quickly... "

"Taehyung... You must be hungry.. Come down and eat.... This brat must have stopped you from coming.. "

She glared at jungkook. Jungkook is standing like a 'l didn't did that face.. '

She hold taehyung's hand and took him with her. Jungkook was standing there dumbfounded. Taehyung left with her smiling shyly.

Soon they finished their dinner with little chit chat.

"Taehyung.. Son.... I want to invite your father.... Can I? " Mr. Kim asked politely.

"You don't need to ask Mr appa... I am ready to tell him everything... "

He smiled "ok.. Then.... Jungkook be ready... We are calling him over tomorrow.. "

"Umm... Ok.. "

They heard that eun is crying.

"Taehyung... Finish your food... I am going to him.. " Jungkook said and ran to his prince.

Mr. Jeon is looking at his son's running figure with a proud and loving eyes.

Mrs. Jeon noticed that. "What are you thinking? "

Taehyung also noticed that. He heard the question and become interested in it.

"Thinking... Jungkook is my son... He was so little and always run around me to carry him, buy him toys, take him to play outside, dance with him... (Teary eyes)... Now he himself is a father, a responsible one.... It feels like dream to me.. " He sniffed.

"Aww..... My cute husband.... You know time flies too fast.... Our little jungkookie has a family now... He need to be responsible for his life partner his child.. " She caressed taehyung's head lovingly who is feeling overwhelmed by their conversation.

Soon a giggling eun arrived at the table with his father making everyone beamed with happiness.

"Our cute bubble of joy is here.... Aww... Come to grandma... " She streched her hand.

Eun happily went to her arms. "Is my Eun hungry... Umm" She asked in a baby voice while brushing their nose.

"Mom... Feed him after few minutes ... He always throw up if I feed him right before he woke up from sleep.. "

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now