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Jungkook reached tae's home... But he came to know that he is not at home he is at work so he went to his work place.

His heart is throbbing very hard at a single sight of taehyung... He never felt such emotions.

Jungkook was standing on the shop's entrance looking at taehyung.... He was serving customers with a smile on his face.

Jungkook also smiled looking at him.

After taehyung got freed from the customers he feeds eum who was eagerly sucking the milk bottle. Taehyung lovingly kissed his forehead.

The scene is making jungkook's heart melt. He felt something within him.His heart felt warm .They are his responsibility. He have to take care of them.

A sudden feeling possesiveness runs through him when a young man is talking with taehyung... Taehyung also taking with him with a smile.

He can't hold it anymore so he entered in the shop and directly went to taehyung with a not so pleasant face.

The man bid his goodbye and walked past jungkook and jungkook gave him a certain look which seems weird to that man.

"Sir... You are here... This time".. Taehyung curiously asked.

" Ab... Ahh... Yes.... I came to see eun"jungkook stuttered a bit.. He mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"Ohh... Eun.. Baby.. Look jungkook uncle came to meet you" Taehyung said to run pointing at jungkook.

Suddenly jungkook didn't feel right.. He doesn't like the uncle word anymore
. He is his father.... He want to be called father.

But then he realized that he didn't tell taehyung anything... He just can't because.. He was afraid... What will happen when taehyung came to know the truth..... Will he accept him or hate him for ruining his life.

After thinking this or that jungkook become upset.

"Sir... Are you ok... " Taehyung Worriedly asked looking at his gloomy face.

"Ohh... I am perfectly fine... Just thinking various things" He said with a smile.

Eun giggled while stretching his hands towards jungkook.

Jungkook looked at him with adoration.

"Baby... Wanna come to me? " Jungkook extended his hand.

Taehyung gave Eun to jungkook's arm.

"As soon as you see your jungkook uncle you forgot your mumma... I am not gonna talk to you".. Taehyung pouted.

Which makes Eun chuckle as if he understands what taehyung is saying.

" You naughty baby... You see mumma will give you tickle now"He started tickling him.

Eun was giggling very bad in jungkook's arms.

Jungkook was just adoring the scene. His soul is feeling peace. His heart is smiling today alone with those two little creature.

Their moment broke by a customer, so taehyung resumed his work.

"Tae.. I am taking Eun... You can work freely... I am taking him to the nearby park... Ok? "

"Ok.. But sorry for the trouble"

"You and Eun was never trouble for me... I feel happy to be with you".. With that jungkook left with Eun.

Taehyung felt something very different today in jungkook's voice. It warmed his heart.

Jungkook was walking in the park. He was looking at the surrounding with awe which making him super cute.

Many passerby was cooing at the adorable creature. His round bamby eyes making him look like a doll.

"My cutie fluffy ball... Do  you know I am your dada... Yes... Dada"

Eun smiled looking at him.

"And... This is a secret don't tell your mom yet... Ok... I will tell him by myself"

Eun smiled again.

"Do you understand what dada is saying" Jungkook nodded his head affirmatively while saying those words.

So Eun also nodded like that.

"You understand everything... Right by boba ball" Jungkook kissed his nose.

Eun cupped his cheeks with his tiny little hands and kissed him messily.

Jungkook chuckled at his action.

"I love you baby... So so much.... Do you love dada"

Eun bite jungkook's nose with his toothless gums.

"My naughty baby" Jungkook fake glared at him but he giggled while clapping his hands.

"Come... Let's go to mumma... He must be waiting for you" He kissed his cheeks and went towards the shop.....


A little short chapter.... 😁😁

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