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Eun is playing with his granny super excitedly with his bunny plushy.

All the servants are watching them with a smile. They are very happy to hear the little giggles of the cute human being.

They started whispering among them about who the little kid is. But suddenly their whispers stopped after seeing a certain person.

Normally they are not afraid of him as he is very polite but recently he seems angry over something so they are keeping a safe distance from him.

Mrs. Jeon was so immerse in playing with Eun she didn't notice that Mr. Jeon already entered the place.

He is standing behind Mr. Jeon and trying to see why she is so happy today that her laughing sound reaching the front gate.

As he is in a sort of cold War with his wife he can't ask him further.

Mrs. Jeon's body completely covering Eun from the front so it is hard to see anything above that.

So, Mr. Jeon cleaned his throat to inform the person that he is here. Mrs. Jeon flinched hearing the sound.

"Ohh... You came..? " She said nervously.

"Hmm"... He hummed in a deep voice with expression less face.

She smiled nervously.. " Umm..... I want... To.. Say..

He cut her off.. "Why are you laughing so loudly..... "He asked in a serious voice.

But suddenly he heard a little giggle.

He squeeze his eyebrows in confusion.

" Who.. Giggled..... Sounding like a child? "

He asked eagerly.

"Umm... Yes..... Here... "

She moved away a little giving a full view of a giggling Eun who is looking at him with his doe eyes and adorable look.

Me. Jeon's cold demeanor starts melting replacing with a smile.

Mrs. Jeon just watching them silently.

"Whose kid is this..? " Mr.. Jeon asked eyes not living the cute ball.

She chuckled secretly... "Umm... I don't know... I just found him... "

His face darkened. "Who the hell on earth abandoned such angel... I must find them and give them punishment.. " He said in a serious tone.

Soon He removed his jacket and went to eun who is adorably stretching his hand to pick him up.

Mr. Jeon picked him up in his arm with a wide grin. Feeling really warm and comfortable. The kid is giving him a keem feeling.

In the meantime Taehyung and jungkook also coming through the stairs and witnessed such scene.

Jungkook is showing his all the teeth in overflowing happiness and taehyung is worried about the person's reaction after knowing the truth.

They reached the Hall with a scared taehyung hiding behind his frame.

Mr. Jeon is so immerged in talking with han who is reacting with his every word cutely that he didn't noticed that some more people also present there.

Mrs. Jeon is giving thumps up signal to jungkook. Jungkook also smiled back..then he took a deep breath to get ready for war..

"Dad.. "

Mr. Jeon was stunned to hear the voice. He tuned around with a mad face.

Jungkook gulped. Taehyung shivered closing his eyes completely hiding behind jungkook.

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