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"Now let's see what gift you have got"

"Are you excited my baby"

Eun giggled. Taehyung started to unpack jungkook's gift.

"Ohh.. Baby look it is so soft and fluffy.... You will surely like it"

"Now.. Let me put on you" Taehyung made him wear the gift.


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"Ohh... My baby.. You are sho sho cute... "

He clicked a photo in his phone.

"Baby come to mumma... Mumma want to kish you" Tae said in a baby voice.

Eun was looking at him attentively.. He spread his arms to get on taehyung's lap.

"My good boy.... My cuty bunny baby" He kissed his whole face and rubbed his nose with Eun... Eun was smiling while cupping tae's face.

Like he was saying "I love you mumma"

After that taehyung washed himself as well as eun. He feed him and tucked in bed.

He did him homework.. A little cleaning.. Made himself food... And went to ssleep as it is the time for his rest...after that he have a evening shift.

After two weeks...

After that day jungkook started to come to the store more frequently..and whenever he came he always took eun with him...buy him toys and dresses....and taehyung can't even deny. Whenever he tried to stop jungkook he always have an excuse.. Like

"That was too cute... So i bought it for eun"

"It's not costly... It is very cheep so I bring it for him"

"He will look very handsome in this dress"

"I love eun so I bought it.... You can't say no"

Taehyung was so done. But he was internally very happy... Looking at eun and jungkook and it trailed his thoughts to eun's father..

If eun had a father then he would also done the same thing for him. But he immediately shrugged his thoughts.

Taehyung's pov:

Right now we are at a park.. Mr. Jeon took us here from the shop.. He wanted to show eun the park and the rides.

He grew attach with eun. I can tell that he loves him very much.

(Jungkook was walking ahead with eun in his embrace who wore a very cute bunny dress which jungkook have gifted him..

Taehyung was walking behind them with eun's baby bag. He had a smile on his face.)

"Baby... Look at those... Aren't they colourful" He pointed at the butterflies.

Eun like colourful things so he giggled looking at those.

"Do baby like it" He kissed his forehead. Eun cupped his cheeks just like tae.

There was a Ice-cream shop in the park. While they are walking taehyung's eyes lingered on the shop for few minutes.. But after that he averted his gaze.

Jungkook noticed it.

"Baby... Do you know I want to eat Ice-cream so bad... Should we go"

Eun was just looking at his earrings.

"Then let's go baby.. Come on tae.. Have a Ice-cream with me"

"No.. Sir.. I am ok"

"No... You have to eat or Eun will scold you"

They chuckled.

At least tae agreed. Actually tae love icecream but he didn't eat over two years.. That has two reason.. One he had no time and two he had no money to waste.

His father always brought him Ice-cream but... Now there is no one.

Taehyung was very happy to taste his favorite after two years... He was very thankful to Mr. Jeon.

After eating they proceeds to their house.

But someone saw them and that someone didn't like the scene in front of her.

"Why are you slut doing in the park with me. Jeon.. "

She was so jealous that she didn't even notice there is a baby in jungkook's arms.

"You will pay for it... I will show your place.. You Pathetic piece of shit"

"You can't snatch Mr. Jeon from me" She smirked darkly.

Next day at school...

Jimin is absent today as they went to their hometown to visit his grandma so tae is alone today.

He went to his class and sat on his chair but suddenly he fell down with a thud.

Sara and gang laughing their ass out.

When he woke up he noticed that the chair's one leg is broken.. He knows it very clearly who did that. But he didn't said anything.

He slowly went to get a spare chair and sat on it. His back was paining.. It is more serious for him because he gave birth recently so his body is still weak... He can feel sever pain in his abdomen and back.

But he bears it. Throughout the school.

After reaching home he quickly took a painkiller which he had in his stock as doctor prescribed him.

He can't lie down in pain because he has work to do.... Have to take care of a child.. He can't lie down.

He feed Eun and made him sleep. He doesn't feel like cooking so he drank a glass of water and slept with slight pain in his body.

When taehyung wake up at morning he felt dizziness.. He can't stand up... But he have to go to work so he motivated himself and went to shower... He felt relief somehow.

Taehyung just drank a glass of juice.. He didn't feel like eating.. He drink the juice just because he have to breastfeed Eun.

He was feeding Eun but it seems he doesn't want to drink he keeps on crying.. He might sense something that wrong with his mother.

Tae made his crying stop with great difficulty and went to the shop and started working.

His body is giving up but he keep on working.

Like most of the day jungkook came at night to meet with Eun.

When he was taking Eun from taehyung he accidentally touched and gasped at his temperature.

"Taehyung...! You are burning.. Why didn't you go to the hospital"

"Mhh.. It's ok... It will be fine.. Don't take stress"

"No.. No... Nothing is fine... You are going to hospital with me... "

"No... Sir... I'm fine" Suddenly he felt a sudden dizziness.. He held the counter for support.. "

Jungkook was tensed at his situation.

"I am not hearing anything.. Anymore.. Come with me"

Jungkook held Eun with one arm and taehyung with another. He held him by his shoulder and helped him to get on the car. Taehyung's mind was foggy by then..

Jungkook secured tae in the seat with seat belt and kept Eun in the baby carrier attached to his chest. He started the engine to hospital..


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