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Next day at school...

"So this is all for today" The teacher said and left the  class room.

"Now you are telling me you were sick yesterday and you didn't even call me for once".. Jimin said furiously.

" No jimina it was not that bad.. And moreover you were not at home.. I didn't wanted to disturb your family gathering "taehyung said pouting.

" Nothing is important than your well-being.. Did you understand dumbass"

"Jimina don't call me dumb"

"I will ... Cause you are my dumb friend"

Jimin pinched his cheeks tightly and ran from there..

"Jimin phabo.. Stop there.. " He ran behind him.

"You can't catch me tae... You are too slow" Jimin said while running to save his life from a angrily cute tae. He was running through the hallway.

"I will surely catch you and pinch your cheeks till it turned red like tomato... You just wait and see".. Taehyung said angrily while running behind him.

Students in the hallway laughing at their craziness and some were minding in their own business.

He was running without seeing anything cause jimin was too fast.

But suddenly he bumped into someone and fell over him cause he was running fast.

Jungkook was coming through the hallway after finishing a class and forcefully bumed into someone and fell over the floor... Hands engulfing the person over him.

His hot breath landing on jungkook's nape.. Causing him shiver and a sweet smell reached his nostrils.. Which is very familiar to him.

Taehyung realizes he was over someone' body and that someone is very familiar to him.

He quickly tried to wake up from the position and fall again.

"Ahh... Sorry sir.. Sorry.. " Then he slowly stands up. Jungkook also wake up from ground and brushed his clothes with hands to remove the dust.

"Sorry sir.. I was not carefully... Extremely sorry"

Taehyung bowed to him three or four times. Felling embarrassed.

"It's ok... But why are you running like this.. You could get hurt.. Don't run like that next time.. Ok"

"Ok.. Sir" He said while biting his lips. Jungkook's eye travelled there but he avaerted his gaze.

"Oh.. I want to ask you... How was your health.. Did you took your medicine on time"

"Ah.. Yes sir... I took them at per instructions.. Don't worry"

"Humm.. Ok... How is eun.. "

"He is ok sir.... "

"Hmm.. That's good... I will come tomorrow to meet him"

"Ok... You are always welcome sir" He smiled.

"Then.. Take care of yourself... I have classes to attend"

Taehyung bowed and jungkook went to another class.

Taehyung silently went  besides the well and pinched jimin's cheeks who was standing there like a hypnotised person.

"Ahh... Tae.... What are you doing"

"I am just completing my words.. " Taehyung said while dusting his hand Sassyly.

"Tae.. How did he knows that you were sick... And whats with the visit" Jimin asked confusingly.

"That... He helped me yesterday.. And took me hospital" Taehyung said in a small voice.

"Ahh... Is it real... The jeon jungkook take care of you whole night"

"Yes.. Because he is a kind person.. And he loves eun so he told me he will come to meet with eun"

"Ohhhh.... I understand... Just for eun" Jimin said teasing.

"Yeah... Jimina... You are too much... I am not going to talk to you" Taehyung said pouting folding his hand in his chest.

"Ok... Ok... I won't tease you... Ok... Happy? "

"Yes.. "

"Ok then let's go to the class... The English teacher is very annoying"

Taehyung chucklled. After that they went to attend the class.

After school jimin and taehyung walking towards their house as usual.

"Our holidays are from next week... What's your plans tae"

"Umm... My plan.... Maybe I will work double shift and earn some more money.. I want to gift something to eun"

"Then I will help you.. Cause I want to stay with my best friend and help him"

Taehyung chuckles. "You are an fallen angel jimina"

"Oh.. Is it... Then where is my magical powers... " He started checking his hands.

"Phabo... " He smiled and went to their house while bickering on random matters.

Jungkook's pov:

His smell is very sweet and smile is contagious. . (Smiled)

"What are you thinking jungkook.. Focus on your work.. " I scold myself.

I should call mom.. I haven't called her since yesterday.

"Hello mom.. How are you"

"I am good... How was your school and that kid who was in the hospital"

"He is fine.. My holidays are starting from next week"

"Ohh... That's great.. We are already in Korea.. You have to spend your holidays here and moreover we have some important discussion with you"

"What is it"

"We will discuss it after you come home... Ok.... Then I am going your dad is starving" She laughed.

Jungkook smiled. "Ok then.. Meet you guys this weekend... Bye bye"

He engaged the call, rests his head on his chair and closed his eyes.

Eun and taehyung's face flashing in front of his eye but he didn't break it he keeps on looking at them with a tender smile on his face...

Second update..... 🥲💜💜

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