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"Jungkook hold the crying baby and put him in his arms.

Jungkook's pov:

I love babies very much so when I saw a baby was crying I couldn't hold myself.... But when I took the baby in my embrace I felt a overwhelming sense of affection and love towards the baby.

He was crying.... I want to make him smile. I straddle him in my embrace... After putting a little effort he slept fisting my shirt.

He is so tiny.... And soft... It feels like I want to save him from this harsh world...protect him.

Taehyung was still in denial what will he tell jungkook about Eun.. He will surely question him.

But the sight in front of him fluttered his heart. He was feeling a massive amount of peace looking at the sleeping Eun in jungkook's embrace.

"If Eun had a father he would care for Eun in the same way... " He thinks in his mind.

"Idiot... How many times I have to tell you don't think such things".. He mentally scold himself.

" Ah... Mr. Jeon you can give him to me... Let me put him to bed. "

Jungkook gave the baby to taehyung... But the baby was fisting his shirt tightly.

Jungkook's cooed at the sight. He hold his tiny fist and kissed on it and carefully removed his hand.

Jungkook's pov:

He is so cute... No.. No cutest... He has a beautiful and cute looking face just like taehyung.. I wonder what is the relation between them.

After I gave him to taehyung he took him in his bedroom.. But I want to hold him once again... I never felt that way with any baby.

After sometimes taehyung came out. Jungkook was just standing there.

Taehyung was very nervous.. He still can't decide what he will say.

"Amm... Mr. Jeon.. You can sit"

"Taehyung... Is he... "

Taehyung is now determined he will tell the truth.. He never wanted to hide it from anyone at the first place.. Every one assumed what ever they want...

Taehyung lowerd his head.. "Yes,.... He is"taehyung answered while closing his eyes tightly.

Jungkook smiled... " Your.. Brother is very cute taehyung... What is his name "

Taehyung jolted up his head.. He laughed nervously.. "Bro-brother.... Ahh.. Yes.. "

"His name is Ha-eun... Kim.. Ha- eun"... After saying that he released his breath which he was holding till now.. Without him knowing.

" He also thought that he is my brother... Ok... I am used to it now... Let's go with the flow ".. Taehyung said to himself.

" He-eun is a very beautiful name.. "Jungkook uttered with a smile.

" Thank you sir".. The rain is falling cats and dogs out side... Suddenly the electricity went off.

"What happened".. Jungkook spoke up with a little bit of fear in his voice.

He don't like darkness.

" Nothing sir.... Just the power cut.. It is very common during rain or Storms.

"Whe-when will the power come"

"I can't exactly say... Umm... It can return in one hour or more than than".. Taehyung was saying while lighting up a candle.

" Now... Sir I lighten up the candle... There is no more darkness... You can sit in peace ".. Taehyung sense jungkook's uncomfortableness... So he said those words.

Taehyung was habitat to this power-cuts so he is not afraid at all.

Jungkook nervously laughed. " Ah.. Yes"
He sat hezitatingly.

"Sir.. Did you ate anything"

"Umm.. I had my lunch but.. After that.. Nothing"

"Sir... If you don't mind.. I cooked something earlier... Would you like to try"

Jungkook was hungry.. Yes.. He is... So he decided to give in..

"Ok.. If you are ok then... "

Taehyung smiled and quickly put in the plate whatever he cooked.. There is some rice.. And chicken soup... And vegetables "

"Sir.. Here... " He gave the plate to jungkook.

"Aren't you going to eat"..jungkook asked.

" No.. Sir.. I am not hungry.. You should eat or it will be cold"

"Oh.. Yes" He started eating.

Taehyung went to arrange place for sleeping.

"Sorry sir I didn't arrenge much..." Taehyung came after arranging everything.

"No.. Don't apologize.. Your cooking is delicious.. After my mom you cooked the most delicious meal... I really liked your cooking. "

"Than you sir" Taehyung was shy after getting compliment.

After washing his hands and face he came back to the place.

"You should sleep on the bed... I am sleeping here" He point out sleeping place which he made with some blankets and pillows. "

"No.. That's not gonna happen.. You have a child with you so you go and sleep on your bed... I will manage here"

"No.. Sir your are my guest today"

"I am also your teacher... Then listen to me.. Go and sleep you have school tomorrow"

"Ok.. Then I make yourself comfort... And if you need anything just call me"

"Ok... Good night"

"Good night sir" Taehyung went to sleep with a content smile on his face so as jungkook.

Taehyung lied down beside the baby... Thinking about the events that happened today... This is the first time someone is staying in the house other than him and eun.

Jungkook's pov:

I am feeling very happy today... Just I feel with my family.. And I don't know why.

But I liked the feeling so I didn't think much. I was thinking about the cute baby.. He is so adorable.. There is something in him which attracts me towards him.

Soon I drifted into slumber as I was very tired and this place is giving me the homely feeling which I loved the most...


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