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The following day in the school went quite well. They never talked about jungkook and taehyung's relationship further. They are just behaving normal and civil with taehyung.

Jimin and taehyung was very happy with all that.

After school jungkook happily took taehyung to his place after bidding goodbye to jimin.

During the car journey many questions popped up in his mind but he didn't asked that time.

After reaching home  they started to playing with eun when taehyung finally asked his question.

"Umm... Hyung.. How did you buy the school? "

Jungkook chuckled at the sudden question.

"Umm... I just buy all the shares of the school.. So now the school belongs to me"..

" But.. Isn't it so costly.. "

"No... Not much.. I can afford it.. "He said with a chuckle.

Taehyung made a oh face.

Tae you go and change the food will be ready in ten minutes.

Taehyung nodded and went to change.

Jungkook is still playing with eun but suddenly he started crying. Jungkook assumed that he must be hungry so he prepared him food quickly trying to feed him.

But he is not eating at all. Jungkook knows that eun like to eat his mother's milk... So after trying many times he finally decided to take him to his mother.

"Such a mumma's boy my little prince is.. " He bopped his nose . Eun suddenly stopped crying.

"Oh... Now no cry.... Ok.. Still I should take you to him... You are hungry right? "

Jungkook nodded his head and eun copied it.

'Ok...let's go to mumma.. '

Jungkook finally reached taehyung's room and without knocking he opened the door.

"Tae. Look.. Eun... "

Jungkook stopped in the middle. His eyes grew bigger at the sight in front of him.

Taehyung is draped in a towel, water drops are still dropping from his hair over his shoulder. And it's making him look so hot beyond imagination.

Taehyung on the other hand forgot to bring clothes with him so after showering he was finding clothes to wear in his closet.

Jungkook was gulping hard totally shocked about the whole situation not understanding what to do.

Taehyung quickly picked whatever comes in his hand and ran to the bathroom.

Jungkook was sweating very bad. On the other side eun was munching his coller with great joy.

Taehyung was blushing mess. Totally embarrassed about the whole situation. But somehow he gathered courage to face jungkook who is also not in a good condition.

After fully dressing up taehyung walked out of the bathroom avoiding jungkook's eyes.

"Um... Hy-hyung"

"That.. Ah.... I am sorry I don't knew.. I really.. "

"I know.. " Taehyung said in a small voice.

"Um.. Eun is hungry.. You should feed him.. "

"Ok... Give him to me.. "

"Here.. " He gave him to tae.

Taehyung take him to bed. Jungkook was still standing there like a possessed person.

"Um... Hyung... I am going to feed him.. "

"Yes.. Go ahead.. " He said with a smile still standing there.

"Umm... Then.. You should go? "Taehyung said being little embarrassed.

And then reality hit him hard. It's that he is still standing like a fool there where taehyung is sitting with his head hung low in shyness.

Jungkook instantly ran from there for which taehyung laughed at his lungs out.

"Jeon.... How can you be so stupid.... What were you thinking ha? ".. Jungkook mentally slapped himself.

" Ahhhhhh! I am too embarrassed.... How can I face him now..... "He is crying mentally.

Here taehyung after feeding eun made him sleep but then a phone call diverted his attention.

The caller id is showing his sister's name so he picked it up.

" Hello.. Noona.. "

"Tae... My brother.... I don't have any place to stay... You know our house was on mortgage so we have no where to go.... Can you pls help me..? " She pleaded in a crying voice.

In the meantime jungkook also came out in the room to apologize but stopped hearing tae's conversation.

"But... Noona... Um.... I don't live in that house anymore.... " He hesitantly answered.

"But... My brother... You know na... I am sick... And mother also getting old... Where will we go.... We have no money.. "

"Umm... Then.... I will talk with my precious house owner if he still have the room... "

"Ok... Do that... Pls.. "

Taehyung then called the house owner and found that he already give that place to someone else.

"Umm.... What should I do now... " Taehyung was talking with himself.

"What is the problem tae.. Tell me. " Jungkook asked suddenly.

"It's.. Not that serious.. I can manage... "

"You know tae... Your everything is my responsibility.. So as your problems... Pls tell me what happened? "

After many pestering taehyung finally said out about his sister and stuff. And jungkook being a kind soul offered him to stay at his place till they find a proper place to say.

Taehyung denied saying he can't take advantage of him and increase his burden but jungkook being jungkook doesn't hear anything and made taehyung agree to his proposal.

"But... They don't know about eun.. What will I say to them... "

After thinking few minutes he finally answered that.. "I would tell him that he is my son and you are here to help him with me as l can't handle him.. " Is it a good idea.

"Yes... Ok... We will do that... " Taehyung answered with a smile.

Taehyung then informed them over the phone call and also shared the location of the place.


The mother daughter duo celebrating at there successful plan. They knew it where taehyung is as sana saw him one day at jungkook's place and then she informed her mother about it.

They made a plan for taehyung in which they know taehyung would surely fall in their trap.

"Mom... I would get that jeon jungkook for sure.. "

"Umm... Yes.. My daughter. Then sll his wealth will be ours.. " She smirked while drinking.

"Oh.. Mom... Why are we still sitting.. We should hurry and pack our things up.... I also have to dress up.... " She said hurriedly walking towards her room.

"We are coming my son in law... Wait for us.. " She drank the last sip from her glass and went to pack her things up.


Suga is going 22 September... 😭😭😭. I am feeling very sad rn. 😓

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