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Mijo woke up from her sleep with a heavy headache.

"Ohh.... This...... I must check sana.. She must be in jungkook's room".. She smiled devilishly.

" But first I need to take a pill... This goddamn headache is killing me... "She hissed while placing her hand on her forehead.

Later she got ready and went towards jungkook's room.

She peeped through the door but to her dismay no one was there even the bed is neat and clean.. It looks like no one slept there last night.

Mijo was confused. She then headed to taehyung's room to check in case something has happened.

When she peeped through the door she just saw taehyung is sleeping beside eun. She inspected a little further if there is anyone in the room.

"Done checking? "...

She flinched suddenly hearing a loud voice behind her.

Jungkook was standing there with a playful smile on his face.

Minjun smiled in embarrassment.

" Umm.... I was just making sure taehyung is all right... That's all"

"Can you pls come with me I have some important things to discuss with you.. "

And she thought jungkook was going to apologize with her for sleeping with her daughter without her permission and ask her hand for marriage. So she immediately agreed with a wide smile .

Jungkook take her downstairs and served her a glass of water.

"Hm... What do you want to talk about jungkook".. She asked in a serious tone.

Jungkook lowered his head. Mijo was jumping internally thinking her dream will come true very soon.

" Umm... About yesterday...... I-I.. Don't know... "Jungkook stuttered.

" Yes.... What you want to say about yesterday.. "

"Yesterday..... Me and sana.... We... Ummm"

"Did you slept with her... Did you force yourself on her....... " She cutted off jungkook in the middle.

Jungkook was still looking down.

Mijo smirked. "If you did that then you have to marry with her or I am calling the police.. " She announced sternly.

Now jungkook smirked sitting on his place crossing his leg back pressing against the couch.

"Go on... "

Mijo was surprising about jungkook's sudden change of behavior.

"Huh... Are you kidding me.... I am serious jungkook... I will call police surely.. " She threatened him.

Jungkook chuckled.. "Am I talking to you in other language.... Didn't you heard I myself telling you to call the police.. "

"Aren't you afraid. " She said being surprised.

"No... Absolutely not.... "

"Um..... But before calling police I want to show you something... "

She gulped in fear. She can't understand what happened and where is her daughter. At first she thought she was with jungkook but now she realised her daughter isn't around the place.

Jungkook opened his mobile and played a video clip in front of her.

"Look carefully..... Do you know the person in the video.. " Jungkook played the cctv footage.

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