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After reaching the class jimin and taehyung saw that Sare and gang are still laughing... Guessing what punishment taehyung should have.

Jimin was trying to say something but taehyung stopped him.

"No jimina"

Jimin sigh and walked towards their seat.

"What happened potato... Did you also get  some punishment.. On behalf of your lovely friend"

They didn't answer anything. Just went to their seat peacefully.

"What! Answer me! " She was getting irritated by their ignorance.

Now jimin had enough.. "He didn't get any punishment.. Did you understand miss show off"

"Jimina what are you doing" Taehyung whispers.

"Nothing tae... I am just showing someone their place"

She was surprised. How did Mr. Jeon spare him.

"What! You are lying"

"No I am not ms. Show off... Go and ask Mr. Jeon.. I am telling the truth or not"jimin uttered with a sass.

She looked at Taehyung.. " I will see you"
With this last threat she went to her seat.

Jimin was laughing at her behavior.

"Jimina.. Stop laughing... Come and sit... The class will start in five minutes"

"She is very irritating... Why aren't you fighting back when she was calling you with names"

"Because... I don't want to be anyone's target.. I have a child to take care off... I can't work desperately.... Which could result negatively... And I don't want that"

"But taehyung... You never do what teenagers do... You never had any fun... Never lived like a carefree kid who would enjoy every moment of their life filled with childishness"

"I am very happy jimina... I am happy to have you and Eun in my life... I don't want those fun... I am happy with whatever I have... In whatever situated I am"

"But... " Jimin words cut off by the teacher's entry. They resume their study.

After school jimin and Taehyung started walking towards their house as usual. Suddenly a car stopped beside them. They stopped walking.

A person spoke up from the car.. "Hey... Are you going home? "

Jimin was overjoyed seeing the person.

"Yes.. Sir... Our house is this way"

"My house is also this way... Come I will drop you"

Taehyung spoke up"our house is near this place... We can go by walking... You don't bother sir"

"I will be glad to drop you off... Don't think like that"

"But s-.... " Taehyung was cut off by jimin.

"Yes.. Sir... We will be very happy"

Jungkook smiled.

"Ok... Hop on"

The are away from the school area.. So there is no problem to get lift from a teacher. Jimin thought and hoped on the car's backseat along with taehyung.

Jimin was looking at the whole car in awe... But taehyung was sitting stiff.. He never rode any car like this.

"Sir... Your car is very beautiful"

"Is it... Thank you" Jungkook laughed while driving.

"The car also looks expensive" Jimin said with a dreamy eye.

"My dad gifted me.. "

"Your dad must love you very much"

"Yes.. He loves me very much"

Hearing about father.. Taehyung's heart sank.. His father also loves him very much... But he hadn't seen him for a year... His dad even don't know that tae has a child.

Jungkook noticed taehyung's gloomy face from the mirror. He was looking at him time to time.

"What happened to him... Why did he looked so down" Jungkook said in his mind while driving the car.

Jimin was looking out of the car... Probably counting trees 😅.

"Sir... Stop the car" Taehyung spoke up.

Jungkook stopped the car.

"Sir... I reached my place" Taehyung hegitatingly answered.

Jungkook looked outside.. A old looking apartment house.. Which is stored.

Taehyung get off from the car and bowed jungkook. "Thank you for your ride sir"

Tae waved jimin bye.. And went to his apartment. Jungkook was looking at his departing figure.

"Sir... Shall we go".. Jungkook avarted his gaze.

" Ohh... Yes... Let's go "

Jimin giggles.

He took jimin to his house.. And set off for his own apartment.. Which is not far away just ten minutes driving from here.

His mind is full of thoughts.

Why was he looking at taehyung like that... Why did taehyung always look familiar to him... Why did he noticed taehyung's every change of mood.... He is just a student.. Then why.

Jungkook reached his home and took a shower to clear his mind.

He wore some comfortable clothes and started drying his hair. His phone ranged.

"Hi.. Mom... How are you" He received the call with one hand while drying his hair with other hand.

"I missed you too... My son... I called you because tomorrow is Saturday you have to come to the house... And also the party on Sunday"

"I remember mom... And I will surely come... I missed you and dad very much.. "

"Ohh.. My baby.. I missed you to... I love you my boy... Come home quickly"

"Yes mom.. I am going tomorrow..... Cook me lot's of food... I missed your cooking"

"Of course my son... I will be waiting for you.... Now bye bye.. I have to arrange everything for the party.... Your dad is a big lazy ass"

Jungkook laughed.

"Ok.. Mom.. Take care.. Byee" They ended the call.

Jungkook checked some papers... Had his dinner and went to sleep with a smile on his face... Thinking of his mom and dad... He missed them so much.

"I am coming... My sweet home" He whispers and went to sleep.


Taehyung was feeding Eun. And talking to him...

"You know baby... Today I was very scared.. What if Mr. Jeon punished me... But he is a very good person.

"He even send me and jimina home. "

He changed the side... Now the baby is latching another boob.

"Hmm... Today I ride a beautiful car... You know baby... But I want to meet my papa.... He loves me like I love you. "

"Ahh... Where am I... Oh yes.. The car... I wanted to give you a toy car... But I don't have money right now... But I promise I will get you..once I get my salary... Ok baby? "

The baby slept which latching milk.

"Baby... Did you slept.. " Taehyung smiled and layed him on the bed.

He kissed his forehead.. And cheeks... "Good night baby" He whispered.

Taehyung  corrected the shirt and slept embracing Eun.....

(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡
𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙪𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚.... 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

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