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After some conversations the kim's intended to leave but here jungkook have another plan. So he said out..

"Taehyung!... I have some important things to discuss with you"

"Ok sir".. Taehyung played along.

" Mr. And mrs. Kim can you kindly wait at outside".. Jungkook politely requested.

"Sure Mr Jeon".. Taehyung's father answered.

" But what kind of important thing you have to discuss with him that you can't in front of us ".. She asked in a tone that can make anyone irritate.

" Mijo... They must have important things to discuss about taehyung's studies as he is irregular in the school.... Don't ask much questions... Come with me outside "

He pulled her outside who was glaring at taehyung. Taehyung's head is hung low.

Jungkook questionably looked at the lady and her behavior and it didn't seem right to him.

"Taehyung... Are you ok? "

"Yes... I am ok hyung" Trying to act normal.

Jungkook then pat his head. "I will take you to Eun" He said with a smile.

Taehyung's face lit up. "When are we going and how... Papa and mom is here".. He said pouting.

" Don't worry about it jimin will take care of them.... Now don't waste your time, quickly coming with me"

Jungkook hold his hand and took him in the school's back gate, his car is already waiting for him.

"Tae... quickly hop in.. " He said after opening the door to taehyung to enter.

Taehyung slowly nodded and sat on the front seat.

Jungkook quickly sat in his driving seat. He fastened taehyung's seat belt along with himself.

Taehyung's heart was beating fast in excitement to meet with Eun after there days.. He missed him to death.

Jungkook too was happy , he finally see taehyung without him he felt empty.... But one thought is bugging him from the beginning that he doesn't want taehyung to go back.... But...

"Can jimin handle everyone".. He asked sounding worried.

Jungkook chuckled.

" Why are you laughing "said with a pout.

Jungkook cooed at him.

" Tae... Don't you know your friend.... He also said that he was bringing a uncle of him who has phd degree in talking nonsense and divert their mind... They can get your parent's busy"


"Don't take stress... We are almost here"

Taehyung nodded in excitement.

Finally they reached the place.

"But... Hyung... I was thinking if you were in the school then... " Taehyung asked being confuse as the sudden realization hit him.

"Oh... Tae... Didn't I say don't worry.. When jungkook is here, no fear"

They both chuckled at the cringe dialogue.

"Come with me tae".. He hold his hand take him in front of his apartment door then rings the calling bell.

Jungkook was smiling ear to ear. Finally tae come to his place, his heart os over the moon now.

And the door has suddenly opened by a beautiful middle aged women who is smiling at them.

"Is he? " She asked jungkook.

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