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After cleaning himself he left the bathroom ans wore his clothes sniffing.

Taehyung's pov:

My whole body is paining... I can't feel my legs.. I have to go home... Make her understand that I am not a whore... All that happened was not my fault...

(He touched his neck)... Where is my necklace.. (He started to find it everywhere).... Mommy.. Are you also upset with me... Mommy I can't find your chain... (He started crying)

After few minutes taehyung heard a nock outside the door. He walked with difficulties and opened the door.

"Excuse me sir... I have to clean the room" A boy addresses him politely.

Taehyung nodded and left the room while wiping his tears .

Taehyung's pov:

My whole body is paining. I ner to go  home.... I don't want to cry but my stupid eyes are not stopping.. Why it's happened with me... I never hurt anyone... I always want everyone to be happy.... God
.... Are you giving me punishment... But I am not a bad person.... The chain that mommy gave me.... I lost it also.... I am feeling very empty...... But I want mom to understand me..... Is it too much to ask..

While thinking thousand of thoughts he went to his home by bus... He  had some money for bus ride.. He can't afford any other travel option.

He reached his home. His body was trembling in fear..... He hezitates many times before clicking the calling bell.

Taehyung's sister opens the door. She frowned..

"Mom... Look. .. Here, the slut came home"

"I am not a slut sana... Don't call me that pls"

"I called you in this name because this is the truth... I know everything.. Mom told me... She don't want you in this house.... So get out"

"No.. No... Don't... Say that... I have no place to go.. Pls"

"Pack your bag... And get the hell out of here"... His mom suddenly entered.

" Mom... Mo-mom... Pls listen to me... I have no where to go... Pls mom... I didn't do anything..... Mom pls believe me for once"taehyung pleaded sitting on the ground.

"Just get out from this house... Otherwise I will tell you dad about your deeds" She threatened him.

"I will tell him that how his precious son is whoring around"

"Do you want it taehyung? " She said in a moking tone.

"No... Pls.. Don't tell him.. He can't handle it.... I am going away from this house... Don't tell him pls"

"Ok... As your wish... As long as you are out of this house".

Taehyung dejectedly went to his room.. He didn't have many things.. He took his bag and his clothes... He didn't many... He took his books and his phone which his father gifted him in his 14th birthday.

He packed his bag and gave a last glance to his room. "Bye... I will miss you"

He came from his room to the front door. "Goodbye.. Mom... Good bye sana.. Thanks for everything" With that he left the place which was his home.... There was his precious memories with his  mother....

"Ahh... Finally... Now I can live in peace.... I will be able to make you healthy again my baby"

"Thank you maa... I love you" Sana spoke.

Taehyung's pov:

I left the house... I have nowhere to go... The only person I have who can help me is jimin. I called him.

"Hello... Jimina...can you come to me"

"Yes... Taehyung.. Where are you.. Just tell me.. I am coming as soon as possible"

I told him the address.. I feel blessed to have such friend... This idea make me smile.

A cool breeze of cherry blossoms tree slowly touched my face indicating ...my mummy is with me... She always liked my smiling face... She wanted me to live happily... And I will surely do that...

After fifteen minutes jimin came running.

"Tae-taehyung... What happened.. Why are you with your bag"

"Mom made me leave the house"

"What... Why did she done that"

"Cause... I am a disgrace jimina"

"Why are you speaking like this.... What happened"

"Jimina... My whole body is paining... Can I sit somewhere"

"Yes... Of course... Come with me.. "

He took me to the  nearby park where we mostly spent our time. We sat on a bench.

"Tell me what happened... Did they hit you.... " Jimin said gritting his teeth.

"No... They didn't hit me"

"Then.. "

"Jimin if I tell you something .... Something inappropriate... Will you disgusted by me"

"No.. Tae... You are my best friend.. I could never do that"

"Then.. Las-last.. Night (my voice trembled).. I was in the bar with mom... And then.... "

I told him whatever I remember from last nigh to this morning... I was telling this hanging my head low and I didn't notice that jimin was crying.

"Don't cry jimin... Look I am ok.. "

"Why did this happen to you..... You are the most pure person I ever known... Why god doing this to you"

"Umm... Maybe... I have done something bad in past that's why..... Now don't cry like a cute duck.. Someone might capture you and take you to their house"

I joked... I don't like him cry.... He is very precious to me.

He smiles between his cry. "Don't joke tae... I will pinch your nose"...

We both laughed.

" Do you know who that person was"jimin asked me suddenly.

I shifted from my position. "Hmm... I don't know him... I didn't even remember his face" I said playing with my fingers.

Jimin nodded his head. He didn't asked me about this further... Understanding my uncomfortableness.

"Tae... You can come with me to my house... "

"No.. Jimin I don't want to bother your parents"

"They are not  in the house... They won't return in two weeks...and moreover, they love you very much... Pls come with me"

"Ok.... But I will  try find a work quickly... Then I will find a place to stay.... You can't stop me then"

"Ok.. Ok... I will not... Now come... You have to rest... I will cook you food today"

"Yes... But you can't cook.. Jimina"

"Oh.. Tae you don't know me... I am the best chef in the world"

I smiled. "Ok.. Let's see Mr. Instant noodles"

"Taehyung I am offended" He glared at me.

"Oops.. My bad" I held my ears.

We reached his home while bickering. His silly behaviors made me laugh. I know he is doing that intentionally to make me feel good.... I love him very much...it is truly a blessing to have a friend like him.... Finally I can smile genuinely...


💜💜💜💜💜.... New update... Pls vote and comment..... 😇😇😇

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