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Double update guys.. ✌🏼

Jungkook left for his apartment. It is Sunday so there is no problem.

Taehyung was thinking very deeply engrossed in his thoughts. sitting in a quiet space, eyes fixed on a distant point.

"Should I consider hyung's request... " He asked himself.

Eun is awake now playing with his toys.

"Baby.... Do you want to live with unc-I mean your dada? "... He asked Eun with a pink hue decorated on his face.

" But won't it look awkward... He is my teacher and now I come to know he is your father........ It is very overwhelming... You know "

The baby was hearing his words making a adorable doe eyes.

"What do you say my booba ball" .. He pinched his nose.

"But I don't want to be a burden to him... If I live with him will hyung feel comfortable..... But he told me that he saw us as a family... Then he will feel comfortable around us isn't it Eun"

Taehyung nodded Eun also nodded copied his mother.

"My cute boba ball.. " Taehyung kissed his face, he squealed in happiness.

Taehyung was thinking the whole day, jungkook didn't disturbed him as he wants him to think clearly about what he wants.

On the other side jungkook was being impatient whole day. He can't even sit in peace. Various thoughts are dancing on his mind.

"Calm down calm down jeon.. " A voice came from his ipad as he was in video call with his friend hoby and Jackson.

"Calm you ass down dude".. Jackson spoke up.

" I can't "

"And pls stop walking back and forth.. You are making me dizzy"... Hoby said with a bored expression.

" You guys are too mean.... Can't you see it's a matter of life and death"... Jungkook exclaimed dramatically which caused them to roll their eyes.

Jungkook finally sat in the couch.

"Ok... But jungkook, if anyone came to know about you your dream of becoming a successful teacher will be crashed down"... Jackson said in a serious voice.

" Umm I know but I don't think about that anymore, my dream has changed.. Now I want to take care of tae and our son.... Nothing else matter. "

"But being teacher was your dream... " Jackson reasoned out.

"Hmm that was... Now my dream is different"... He was day dreaming something with a smiley face.

" Come to earth kook".. Hoby mocked.

"Then.. When are you going to introduce them to us"... Hoby asked.

" I don't know.... Maybe soon"

"By the way... How old is he".. As hoby knows about tae but not his age so he was curious.

" He is seventeen.. "

"WHAT".. Hobie shouted in shock.

" You are telling me that you impregnate a underage boy and on top of that you are his teacher..... "
Jungkook embarrassedly nodded his head.

"Hey kook be ready for FBI"..

Jungkook whinned. " Hyung... Don't be like that "

"Then when are you going to propose him" Asked Jackson.

"You know about the situation Jackson, I can't do anything ,once he turned adult or have some feelings for me then I will take such big step".. Jungkook reasoned out.

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