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"Hello... Uncle aunty.... I am jimin... Taehyung's friend" Jimin introduced himself with a eye smile.

"Oh... Yes... Taehyung always mention your name... How are you jimin"... Mr. Kim said with a smile.

Mijo was frowning.

" Uncle... My uncle wants to talk with you both.. "

"Your uncle.  Why? "... He asked in confusion.

" Ubb... Umm.... I don't know... He just told me to inform you two. ".... Jimin was struggling to find words.

" Ok... Then... Where is your uncle? "

"I am here.... Guys... I am jin, wwh"... A over excited man jumped into their conversation.

" Ok... But... WWH...? "

Mr. Kim asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Didn't you.... heard it..... It's unbelievable... ".. Said in a exaggerated tone.. Acting shocked.

" Umm... Sorry... I really don't know "

"Ok.. Ok... Let me tell you.... WWH... Means.... World wide handsome.... Aren't I"... Said making a cute face with a pout.

Mr. Kim is wired out at this point.

" Ahh... Yes... Yes... You are"

Mijo was looking at him with an annoying expressions.

"Mam.... Do you like me this much that you can't divert your gaze from me..... Ahh.... I am too flattered..... I am feeling too shy"

"What nonsense are you speaking.... Are you nu-

She can't complete the sentence as Mr. Kim stopped her in the middle.

" Mijo... Why are you being so rude... "He whispered to her ear.

" Can't you see he is wasting our time, and where is your son why haven't he come yet.... It's nearly thirty minutes.. ".. She gritted her teeth.

" He must have some important work... Just wait for sometimes.. "He pleaded.

" Ok.... But I am going to check on him".. She said and intended to leave.

Jimin quickly gave signal to jin to stop her.

"Ahhaa... Where are you going mam.. "

"None of your business.. " She sassed.

"Ohh... Business.... I am a CEO of a jewellery business company... You know"

After hearing that mijo stopped on her track. Her eyes lit up hearing that.

"Are you saying the truth... Are you really a CEO"..

" Of course... Who can resist this wwh face.... "He gave a flower boy pose.

Jimin was trying to control his laugh standing behind jin.

" Are you interested in hearing my business story and how much I earn... "

Mr. Kim was going to say no... But he was cutted off by mijo.

"Ohh... Yes... Yes... I am very excited..I want to hear it"

"Ok then.. Come with me... We must sit and talk"

Mr. Kim was hesitating but after seeing his too eager wife he gave in and went with them in a coffee shop.

After getting settled they ordered coffee, jin purposely showing off his black card in front of mijo who is drooling over it

"Do you know why I want to share my life story with you..  It's because..... You two just look like my late parents".. Said while wiping fake tears.

" Ohh... Sorry to hear that "Mr.kim whispered.

" No... No.... Don't cry you are just like my brother.... I am there for you"... Showing fake sympathy.

"Yes.... You are my long lost big sister...
I really can feel a connection with you.. "

"I am very glad... Now drink your coffee
.. You will feel better". She said in a soft tone.

" So sweet of you.... I like you very much.. Mijo nuna"jin said showing his puppy eyes.

"I  am very happy to get you as a brother... ".. She said with excitement.

Like that jin continues to tell his fabricated life story with great emotions which can also be considered as a over acting.

But mijo's eyes is blinded by money for now so she can't actually differentiate anything.

Mr. Kim is stuck between his wife and jin so he can't form any word just listing their conversation. Taehyung's absence is long forgotten.

After three hours a notification poped in jimin's phone who is in the verge of sleeping. taehyung messaged jimin that he is here. So jimin quickly messaged jin.

After seeing the message jin finally took a deep breathe. He was too tired from his non stop talking and walking.

"So... Madam... That's all for today... We will meet again... Bye bye... "

After saying those he immediately ran from the place.

Before mijo utter any words he ran from there for his dear life.

"Ohh... My.... God.... What a woman.... She totally ate my head....... I was near my deathbed. "... He huffed leaning on his car.

Here jimin laughing his ass off for jin's condition.

" Don't laugh you Mochi"

"Why *laugh*... Can't *laugh*.... I... Haa... You are too funny.. ".. He was trying to control his laugh.

" Jin also started his windshield wiping laugh "

On the other hand....

Taehyung and jungkook arrived at the school then messaged jimin.

They quickly went to the library without anyone noticing.... As there wasn't much student.. So it was helpful for them.

So, now they are at the library.

After jin ran away from there mijo was blabbering in betrayal. How she can't get his number, or some money from him.

"He is a cheater... He didn't even told me his number... Now how do I find him.... And where is the jimin..... I can't find him either".. She cried in annoyance.

" Mijo... Just forget it... We should find taehyung.... He must be waiting for us... "

He dragged her from the place and spotted taehyung on the school gate.

"Are you waiting for long tae"... Mr. Kim asked patting his head.

" Ye-yes.. Papa"

He is feeling guilty for telling him lie. But for now he had no other options.

"Where is your teacher".. Mijo inquired.

" Umm... He left.. "

She was running her eyes in the whole campus. Taehyung gulped.

"We.. Should go papa"

"Oh... Yes... Yes.... Come on Mijo.. Let's go"

She huffed in annoyance.

In his way home he was constantly thinking about jungkook and eun... And also how his mother treated him.

She fed him with her own hand, made so many heathy yet tasty dishes for him, how eun isn't leaving him, how jungkook cared for him.

He suddenly chuckled when he remembered jungkook's sulky face....

And to his bad luck Mijo noticed his change of expression time to time.

"Isn't the teacher Jeon Jungkook the one whom I saw that day in your phone call..... Hmm...... That's interesting"...she said in her mind with a  greasy smirk on her face.


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