
6K 341 18

Jungkook entered the classroom but find in totally empty.

"Taehyung must be at the library.. I should find him there".. He said to himself gulping the lump in his throat. His heart is suddenly feeling restless beating loudly.

He ran to the library finding taehyung in every lane of the bookshelf.

" Taehyung! Are you here?... Pls answer me"... He shouted. Fear is prominent in his voice.

Jungkook was running in every corner of the school. He even called jimin making sure that taehyung didn't went to meet him.

Now jungkook is running like a mad person sweating heavily.

After finding for fifteen minutes he stopped in a place panting heavily.

"Where are you taehyung!.. Don't scare me".. He huffed.

He suddenly heard something and he quickly followed the sound but after few seconds it stopped. It more like a glass breaking sources. And he heard it from the store room Or more like a abandoned classroom.

Jungkook senses got alerted. He is true to open the door.

" Taehyung!.. Taehyung.. Tae.. Are you here... Tae"

He called while trying to break the door, after trying few times it finally broke open.

But the view in front of him made his eyes widen in fear.

Taehyung was laying unconscious on the floor with several cuts in his body.

Jungkook rushed to him, body shaking in fear, a gut crunching fear that sending him chills.

"Tae.. Taehyung... Wake up, tae.... Wake up".. Jungkook' is crying.

His shirt is wet all over. Hand and face has brushes.

Without westing any time jungkook picked him up in a bridal style and quickly rushed to the exit.

Looking at jungkook carrying unconscious injured taehyung the guard widen his eyes in disbelief.

" What happened with him Mr. Jeon"

"I don't know yet but whoever behind this will see the worst side of me".. He said in rage and left in his car after placing taehyung softly in the backseat.

" Hello, doctor... Quickly come to my place.. I can't waste any more time. I will pay you whatever you say.... But pls come fast "

Jungkook desperately said to the doctor on call while focusing on road. His eyes are red from holding tears.

Jungkook drive to his home as fast as he can. Picked up taehyung from his car and quickly went to his room.

His mother was shocked looking at his condition. She started crying.

"Why isn't he waking up jungkook" She asked crying.

"I don't know".. He said in a breaking voices. His whole body is shaking in fear.

After few minutes the doctors have arrived, they started their treatment. Jungkook and his mother is sent out of the room .

" Mom... Will he be all right ".. Jungkook asked his mother in a broken voice, tears were sliding through his cheeks.

She hugged him to prevent him from trembling.

" He will be alright, didn't you said to me before that taehyung is very strong, he can make it my boy"

She comforted jungkook. She is also very tensed about taehyung but she is controlling herself for the sake of her children.

Suddenly they heard eun's crying.

"Baby is crying jungkook, go and comfort him otherwise he won't stop"

Jungkook nodded and quickly ran to eun. He put eun on his arm straddling him, comforting him.

After lots of struggle eun finally stopped crying.

"Are you missed mumma baby"

"He is a little bit sick baby, once he became healthy then dada won't let him go anywhere, he will keep mumma and baby to himself..... Ok"

Eun was just staring at him with wide doe eyes. As if he is understanding whatever he is saying.

Jungkook take eun with him to his room where taehyung is getting treated.

Jungkook saw the doctors was talked with his mother.

"Is he all right doctor, will he be okay doctor".. Jungkook asked impatiently.

" Well, he is ok now"

Jungkook left a breathe of relief.


"But... But what doctor"

"Umm... As you can say he is very young and I guess he already gave birth..... So it is important for him to feed the baby regularly"

"It is now only important for the baby but also for himself..... He was leaking milk..... Though for now it is because he is badly injured...... "

"I treated his wounds... His stomach area is badly injured if the impact get a bit higher he may get an internal injury.... But by God's grace that didn't happened.. He is ok now"

"Can I meet with him now".. Jungkook asked  softly.

" Umm... Yes.... But I gave him some medicine which includes some slipping pills... It will help him reduce the pain... He is sleeping now"

"And yes.... I prescribed him complete brd rest for two weeks"

"Ok doctor... We will do everything to make him healthy again".. Mrs jeon assured.

Later the doctor leaves. Jungkook went to taehyung's room with eun. Taehyung is sleeping with iv drop attached to his hands.

Jungkook sat beside tae caressing his soft hair.

"I will never let you go anywhere, you will live with me so that I can take care of you.... Do you get it".... Jungkook is talking with sleeping taehyung.

Eun is looking at his mumma, blabbering, maybe telling his mumma to wake up.

" Baby.. Dada promise you that whoever did this to mumma, dada will punish them hard ok"

Jungkook's put Eun besides taehyung. He started caressing his mumma's face with his tiny little hands.

Jungkook was looking at them with teary eyes. He kissed Eun's forehead also tae's.

"Get well soon tae... I have many things to tell you"

Mrs. Jeon was witnessing the whole scene standing on the door.... Blessings the cute little family.

After few minutes eun slept beside taehyung hugging him. Feelings comfortable in his familiar warmth.

Jungkook's eyes are also feeling droppy. He too slept while sittin with head near tae's holding his hand.


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