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Taehyung is in the kitchen cooking with a smile on his face. He is very happy after meeting eun and jungkook. He also liked jungkook's mother very much. She is such a sweet lady.

Mijo noticed him. Making some evil plan in her head.

"Taehyung... Do your sugar daddy pay will well.. " Said with greasy smirk on her face.

Taehyung got stunned hearing her remarks. More because everyone was present in the living room including his father who was looking at them with curiosity.

"What nonsense are you speaking Mijo".. He said in a enraged voice.

" Did I said something bad... Ha, .... Taehyung... Did I. "She mocked him.

Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes but he was trying his hard to hold back.

" I.... Don't... Have anything like this".. Said in a stuttered voice.

Mijo chuckled a little and left the place with her daughter.

"Mom... Is that right.... Did that ugly bitch really got a daddy"

"I don't know but.... I know who would it be...... And I want you to get the mam for yourself....... Then we will be super rich" He eyes were literally shining.

"Then who is this person.. Mom"

"Hmm.... He is his teacher.. Jeon jungkook"

Sana gave a bored expression to his mother.

"Mom... He is just a mere teacher... How can he have so much money.. " She rolled her eyes.

Mijo gritted her teeth.... She slapped her head.. "You... Good for nothing girl.. Do you know who jeon jungkook is"

"No".. She frowned rubbing her head where mijo hit her.

" He is the only heir of Jeon Empire... Son of the biggest business tycoon.... Let me show you the search results "

She showed her phone which describes his family income and other details with photo attached.

She was drooling over jungkook's picture, and also with the hotness of money.

"Mom!!... I want to have him, I will make him my husband, I will surely capture him by my good looks and charm.. "

She said in a way that it seems she the most beautiful girl in the world while playing with her hair.

"But.. Be careful... That lowlife taehyung already have a eye on him.. "

Sana smirked. "Don't worry mom.... I will kick him out of my way real soon.... But for now we need him to reach Jungkook... " She winked at her.

Mijo winked her back. They are smiling creepily.

Here taehyung is scared of his father's reaction. What if he hate him or disgusted with him.

But to his good luck he didn't asked anything. He might think that mijo was pulling his leg, nothing else.

Taehyung quickly finished his cooking. As it was the time when jungkook call him while feeding eun. Because eun was sulking for few days, he won't eat anything without his mumma.

After lots of talking over the phone taehyung leave his room and met with her sister who was weirdly smiling at him.

"Taehyung... My brother.... Where were you... I was finding you for 15 minutes"... She cutely asked while holding taehyung's hand.

Taehyung was taken aback by her sudden sweetness in voice, usually she just throw tantrum or order him around.

"Taehyung can I ask you a favor... " She made an puppy eyes.

Taehyung nodded in nervousness and hesitation.

"Ohh... Great.... You are the best tae"..

Taehyung smiled in nervousness.

" Ok... So... Dad is going back after two days.. Right? ".. She asked.

" Yes... He told me yesterday that his company needs him so he have to go"... Taehyung casually answered.

"So... After he gone are you going to your old place.. "

"Ye... Yes.. "

"You live near school right?.. So I have a interview near that place.... Can I live with  you there just for three days.... Pls.
. Can ... I.

Taehyung's eyes grew bigger. " How can I take her to my home, It would be too dangerous.... But how can I say no to her"... Taehyung was thinking deeply.

"Pls... Taehyung can I... Can't you help your sister just for once... "

"Umm... My place is too small... You can't live there"... Taehyung hesitatingly answered to her.

" I can manage.... So are you letting me in"

Taehyung gulped  anxiously... After fighting with his mind he came to a conclusion.

"Umm... Yes... You can st-stay there"

"Yehh.. Thank you taehyung... "

She left the place but taehyung didn't notice the evil intention behind her sugar coated words.

So after three days taehyung's father went back after bidding them goodbye. He was too sad and also feeling down for not telling his father the truth.

He sighted deeply and started packing his bag to return.

Jungkook was also jumping in happiness as taehyung is coming back... He planed to tell him the truth on taehyung's birthday.... He is too eager for it.

But for now he is going to fetch taehyung home but he didn't inform him earlier... He wanted to give him surprise.

"Taehyung... Are you ready.... " Sana shouted from her room.

"Come.. Help me to pack my bag"

He quickly wore his clothes then rush to her room to help her.

"Yes... We are ready now.... Let's go taehyung.. "

Taehyung was hesitating but still went with her. Their mother was waving them happily with a hidden smirk.

"You can do it my daughter.. " She shouted.

"I will mom".. She returned her a smirk but quickly changed into an innocent one.. As taehyung looked at her.

They were going to the bus station but suddenly a car stopped before them.

They both were startled at first. But after realising whose car is that his heart race faster, palms got sweaty.

He is now trying to change the route to get over the situation. But to his bad luck....

"Taehyung!... Where are you going".. A voice called him form behind.

Sana's attention shifted to the source of the voice and she went speechless. Such a handsome man dipped in the image of hotness... And his clothes and car is screaming..... RICH! "

He eyes light up.

"Taehyung... Get in the car.. " Jungkook asked taehyung as he didn't notice the person behind taehyung, more like he can't focus on anything else when taehyung is in front of him.


I might double update today ☺.

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