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During the lunch period every one eating their own lunch so as tae.. He was as usual eating the simplest food he found in the school canteen.

"Tae... You are still eating this".. Jimin said so done with him.

" You know na jimina... Don't whine.. Come eat your meal "taehyung said continuing eating his food.

They started eating in peace with jimin giving vegetables from his plate.

" Jimina.. You should eat vegetables "

"No... I don't like those.. " He made a disgusting face.

Taehyung chuckled.

On the other side someone is pouring daggers on the laughing male.

"You bitch... For you.. Mr. Jeon scolded me.. Now you are showing your teeth huh.... I must give you some lesson" She smirked evilly.

She walked pass taehyung's table with a glass of juice swaying he hips.

When she came near taehyung she made an act of fall on tae...... But jimin was quick witted he pulled taehyung other side of the table and the glass tripped over her skirt as jimin pushed her slightly.

"What the hell! " She cried out.

Jimin was trying to hide his laughter miserably. Taehyung was in daze about what has happened a few moments ago. He was looking at them in surprise.

"Ohh.. Sana... Are you ok... Should I help you" Jimin asked her in a mocking tone.

She was desperately wiping juice from her skirt.

"You shut up... You intentionally did this right " She said gritting her teeth.

"Omo.. Why should I... Instead I offered you help.... You are very ungrateful Sana" Jimin said dramatically with his world class acting.

"You... Son of a bitch... "

"Shame shame Sana... Did you forgot that good people don't curse.... Specially in school"

"You just wait and watch park jimin I will make your and your dear friend's life living hell"with that she stromed out from the canteen.

Jimin scoffed and sat down.

" Jimin.. Why did you did that "taehyung asked whispering as many eyes looking at them.. They witnessed the whole drama.

" Tae... She was coming to harm you... But I saw her previously with the juice glass with a smirk on her face.... I understand that something is up... As she was coming towards you I understand what she is up to... So I did that "

"Ohh.. Thank you jimin"

"Hey.. Don't say thank you to me Or should I pour juice on you" Jimin playfully threatened tae.

Taehyung surrender himself by lifting his two arm up.

After sometimes they finished eating and headed to their next class.

After class jimin and taehyung walking to their home as usual. But after walking for five minutes they spoted a car... More specifically a person leaning to the car and it seems he is waiting for someone.

"Isn't he Mr. Jeon... What is he doing here" Jimin uttered with curiosity.

Taehyung was also curious.

Jungkook spotted them.

"Hey... Tae... Jimin.. Come here"

They went toward jungkook.

"Sir... What are you doing here... Aren't you going home" Taehyung questioned.

Jimin also nodded as he is asking the same question.

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