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Birds were chirping... The sun started his duty.. So as taehyung...

Taehyung's pov:

I am always a morning person.. I wake up quite early. Eun is still sleeping so I should do the works quickly.

I stepped out of the bedroom and encountered a beautiful sight. Mr. Jeon is sleeping like a baby most specifically.. Like Eun... With a cute pout on his face.

Ahh.. Come to think of similarities they have many things in common.

Ohh.. He is waking up now.

"Sir... Did you sleep well"

Jungkook is in daze.. He took few minutes to correct his memory..

"Oh.. Taehyung.. "

Taehyung was giggling at jungkook's dissolve state.

Jungkook was confused.. "What happened"

"Mmm.. Sir... Your hair is a little mess... Sorry for laughing at you" Taehyung awkwardly apologized.

After realising he smiled awkwardly.. While combing his hair with his fingers.

"Umm.. I have charged your phone"

"Really!.. When? "

"At midnight.. The power has returned at that time"

"Thank you... Umm I should get going then. "

"Before that would you like to have breakfast"

"No.. No... I bothered you enough and moreover I have to reach my place... So not today"

"Thank you for everything taehyung " He said while fixing his hair and clothes.. He grabbed his things and bid taehyung good bye.

Taehyung was looking at his disappearing figure standing on the doorway... Thinking about everything that happened.

His trail of thought cut off by eun's cry.

He ran to him.. "Oh.. My baby... Don't cry mumma is here.. Don't cry" He said straddling him on his arms.

He changed his diper."baby.. Look mumma changed your nappy... Are you hungry baby"

Taehyung unbuttoned his shirt buttons... He immediately latched  on the soft mounds indicating he was really very hungry.

After feeding him he did his all work and went to school giving eun to the noona.

At school...

They are having their classes with out disturbance.

At the lunch break taehyung and jimin were sitting on the empty corner of the canteen.

Taehyung with his little amount of food rice and vegetables.. He could only afford.

But jimin always give his half portion of meat to taehyung.. By saying..

"I  am not hearing no from you.. You have to eat it or I am not talking to you"

Taehyung's pov:

He always take care of me.. I also want to help him as much as I could.

I should say him about tomorrow's incident.. Or he will kill me for sure.

"Jimina... Yesterday Mr jeon stayed at my house"

"WHAT!! " Jimin shouted in surprise.

"Jimina... Don't shout.. Look everyone is looking at us" He gave out an embarrassing smile to everyone.

"What are you saying tae.. Is it real"

"Yes.. His car was stuck in the middle of the road.. Thank fully I remembered his car and went to help him. "

I explained him everything in full details. He was grinning ear to ear hearing those.

"You know tae... That was like a movie..
Where heroine find hero under the rain and they fall in love" Jimin said dreamily.

"Jimina... Stop your imagination... " I glared at him. He always does it.. He connects everything with movie... I am fed up of his habit.

But it makes me smile also... So I  am leaving the topic..

"By the way... Tae... Did he also thought that eun is your brother"

"Fortunately.. Yes"

"He assumed it himself, when I was in verge of telling the truth"

"I never intended to tell any lie to anyone.. But I also never cleared their doubt.... I think this the best for Eun"

"Umm... I hope so"

Suddenly the bell rang. Jimin groaned in annoyance. We headed to our class which is Mr. Jeon's.

At class:

Jungkook was teaching but whenever his eyes met with taehyung's he smiled mildly.

This this is noticed by sara.. She was burning in jealousy.

Rest of the class went smoothly as every one likes Mr. Jeon's teaching.

After one week:

Taehyung and jungkook is now taking normally.. Not like teacher student but like two individuals without awkward ness.

Today is sunday so tae has his work on the convenience store. He feeds eun and took him in the baby carrier carefully. Eun was giggling.

"My.. Baby... You seems very energetic today" He kissed his head.

"Redy for work baby" Taehyung fisted his hand in a cheering position in front of Eun.

He giggled and trying to catch tae's hand.

"Do my baby want mumma's hand"

"But.. I know you will incert it in your mouth.... And chew on it"

"My knotty baby..... " He kissed his nose. Eun blinked several times trying to kiss his mumma but end up weting his cheeks.

Taehyung giggled.

"Oh... We have to go fast baby other wise boss uncle will scold us.... Let's go"

He went to the store while talking with Eun throughout the road.

Eun was noticing colour ful things and giggling time to time.. Every person in the road falling for his cuteness... He is such a charming baby.

After reaching the store on time taehyung left a huff of relief. He quickly started his work.

"Come in tae... You can do it" He motivated himself and begins to work.

Eun is tired for all giggling and gazing so he slept in the carrier comfortably.


Jungkook is sleeping peacefully as it is Sunday morning, he decided to sleep till eleven am peacefully. He didn't go to his house this weekend cause his parents have gone to America for business matter.

Suddenly jungkook's sweet sleep interrupted in the middle,, someone is knocking at his door.

Jungkook groaned in frustration.

"Ahhhh! Who is now.... I want to sleep" He was fake crying.

But he finally decided to open the door. He correct his shirt and hair and went to open the door lazily.

He opened the door without looking at it.
Suddenly someone hugged him out of nowhere.

"I missed you jungkook" The person uttered while hugging him.

Jungkook understand who was it by the voice.

He hugged her back.

"I missed you too mina"....


New update....

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