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"My heart is beating very hard.... What if they don't let me see papa, but they called me by themselves... They won't do things like that.. Don't overthink taehyung" He scold himself mentally.

He was standing on the doorstep after pressing the doorbell. He observed many things have changed in the surroundings with this short amount of time.

After waiting for one or two minutes someone finally opened the door.

Taehyung was standing with a smile on his face.

"Ohh... Taehyung you came... Come inside.. ".. A lady spoke up with a bright smile.

" Yes.. Mother.. "He went inside.

" How are you mother, how is sana"taehyung asked.

"She is perfectly fine now, I am also fine.. How are you? "

"Umm... I am also fine"

She scanned him from head to toe. "Hmm... You are looking fine.. Do you work somewhere, did they pay you big money? ".. She asked with a little desperate voice.

Taehyung felt a little anxious. " Umm.. I didn't urn much... I work at a convenience store "

"Ohh" She said with a disappointment.

"At last you are still useless.. " She said and went from there.

Taehyung was standing there head hung low. After few minutes he began to proceed towards his small room.

After reaching the room a smile crept on his face. This room has many memories, his every pain every smile was witnessed by this room.

After keeping his belongings in the small cupboard he went to thr hall where his mother and sister were sitting sipping tea.

Sana look back and spotted taehyung was standing behind them.

"Ohh... Taehyung.. My brother.... Come here sit beside me" She patted on the place beside her.

Taehyung hesitantly sat on the instructed place.

She started speaking after taking a sip of her coffee.

"Umm... So taehyung.. How's life.. "


"Are you still going to school"

"Hmm.. Yes"

"Ok.... Let me ask you an important question...... Do you have a lover or sugar daddy.. " She said with a smirk on her face.

Taehyung's eyes widen at her remarks.

"No... Of course not.. " He immediately defended himself.

She left out a chuckle.. "Ohh... Is that so... Oh.. My bad"

"What are you saying sana... He and lover.. Don't you know how his character is... He could have have a sugar daddy for sure".. The both laughed.

Taehyung is feeling humiliated. He is gripping his shirt tightly... Trying to refrain himself from crying.

" I am not li-like that mother"he said with a small voice.

"We know it very well .. How you are... I get the prove previously".. She said with a scoff.

" Ok... Stop the discussion.... I want to inform something very important to you... And you have to behave according to it... Am I clear? ".. Stepmom mijo said with a stern voice.

" Taehyung nodded "

"Hmm.... Then.... Taehyung, you never told your father that you were not in the house,you have to behave like you are always staying here..... And if you speak anything about it you know na you have to told your father what you have did in the past.......... He must be too ashamed of you".. She said with a smirk gazing at her daughter.

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now