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Doctor was checking taehyung who was unconscious. Eun was in jungkook's arm.

"Doctor.. Will he be fine"

"Yes.. But we have to admit him for one day for observation"

"Ok doctor"

They admitted taehyung. On the other side eun was crying giving jungkook a hard time to handle him

"Are you his father" A nurse spoke up seeing him struggling with a baby.

"Oh... No.. No.. I am.. I am his guardian"

"Oh... Sorry.. I thought you are his father.. He somehow look like you... But thats my mistake.. I apologize"

"Don't apologize sister.. It's alright"

"He must be hungry that's why he was crying"

"But.. I don't have his food"

"He must be breast feeding"

"But as much as I know he doesn't have a mother.... Oh I remember I have a baby bag with me taehyung bought it before loosing his consciousness"

"Can you pls hold him for some moments.. The bag is in my car... I am bringing it quickly"

"Ok" The sisters hold the crying eun trying to tame him.

Jungkook quickly went to the car and bought his baby bag.

"Here.. Sister.. There must be his food" He gave the bag to the sister. He was very worried for eun and tae. This is his first time handling the situation like that.

The nurse searched the bag and found the milk bottle. She inspected the milk.

"Here.. Sir you can feed him this.. This is breast milk"

Jungkook was dumbfounded. How can there be breast milk... Later he thought that he must collected it from someone.

Jungkook took eun in his arms and feed him lovingly while singing soft tunes. The nurse is smiling looking at their cuteness.

After feeding him. The nurse burped eun. After that she left the place.

Eun is now quiet. They also changed his diapers.

Jungkook softly patted his baby. He was looking so soft.

Finally he slept in jungkook's embrace. Jungkook was sitting outside the cabin where taehyung was admitted with a sleeping eun.

Suddenly jungkook's phone rang. It was his mother video calling him.

He received it. She gasped looking at jungkook.

"Jungkook.. Who is that baby with you.. Is the baby that cutie you send photo earlier"

"Yes mom it's him"

"He is too much cute... But what are you doing with him at this hour"

"That's a look story mother.. His brother is admitted in the hospital so I am sitting in the hospital"

"What happened to him... Is he ok" She anxiety asked.

"The doctor said he is.. They will discharge him tomorrow"

"Hmm.. That's good... Did you informed his family members"

"No.. Mom.. He said he doesn't have anyone in the family"

"That's sad... But you should take care of him"

"Yes mom.. I will surely do it"

"That's my boy.. Eat your food and take care of yourself and the baby"

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now