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Next day morning..

"Tae did you packed your necessary things"..

" Yes... Jimin.. You were with me when I was packing ".. Taehyung said with a done face.

Jimin chuckled. " Ok.. Ok... I am not asking anymore "

Taehyung hummed.

"Baby... Come let mumma feed you" Taehyung said while picking Eun up from the bed to his lap.

He covered himself with a sheet as jimin was also there.



"If you face any difficulty or your not so good mother treat you badly just call me.. Ok.. I will reach there in no time"

"Will you fly there jimin".. Taehyung said while laughing.

" Tae..! I am serious.... I don't trust your mother at all"Jimin said in serious voice

"Jimin..... She is still my mother, she won't hurt me, she is just angry with me.. " He said looking down.

"But there is nothing to be angry off" Jimin said huffing.

"Ok... Let's stop the discussion... Are you done feeding him"


"I think Mr. Jeon is here.. I heard a car sound"

"Ok... Hold Eun for me... I am coming in one minute"

Jimin nod and hold Eun.

"Hey baby... Your mumma is going now... But we have to protect him you know? " Jimin said to him in baby voice.

And it spreads a smile on Eun's face.

"What is my prince doing? "... Jungkook asked while entering the house through the door with a bag in his hand.

" Good morning sir "

"Good morning Jimin" He greeted back.

"Where is taehyung.. Is he ready".. Jungkook asked taking Eun from jimin's arm.

" He went inside... "

"I am here".. Taehyung suddenly appeared in front of them with a trey full of food.

" I made you guys breakfast... You are helping me since yesterday so I thought of making you something "

He placed the tray on the table.

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now