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"Are you really noona? ".. Taehyung asked once again in a broken voice. After a year or so he is hearing her voice... They might never loved him but he loved them .... So after heart her voice after so many days he became emotional.

" Yes... Taehyung... You are still a swallow head.. "She said in a annoyed tone.

But taehyung didn't mind anything. He is happy that she contacted him.

" Ohh... The reason I called you... Dad is coming home so you have to come here.. Within tomorrow... Ok... Be sure to come here... Otherwise you will face the worst consequences.. I am warning... You.. Bye"

She said and cut the call.

Taehyung was little sad.. He wanted to ask about his mother's health but she cut the call too soon.

"Baby... Your grandpa is coming.... I am feeling very happy now.... Finally I will meet him after so many months.... Are you happy baby? "

He softly pinches eun's cheeks. He giggled in return.

Then the reality hit him. Eun, his father doesn't know about eun's existence or what has happened with him in this whole year.... Now what is he gonna tell his father..... Now he is feeling scared..... What will happen if his father feel disgust towards him.... He can't take it.... He will break there and then..

And what will happen if his mother come to know about eun and beat him or abandoned him or call him a sin of whore...... He can't think anymore.... He holds his head and sat there thinking the worst thing that could possibly happen.

Jimin was coming to meet with taehyung but when he saw taehyung was sitting like that in his doorstep he immediately ran to him.

"Taehyung... What happened are you ok? "

Taehyung was sobbing with a confuse Eun in his lap.

"Taehyung.. Tell me what happened... Why are you sitting like that? "

"Jimin... Jimin.... My dad is coming.. He is coming home"

"Then.... It is a good news taehyung... I know how much you love your dad.... Then why are you crying"

"But he didn't know anything about Eun.. I don't wanted him to be disappointed with me..... I can't talk it jimin"

"Ok... Ok... We will come to an solution... But before that... Compose yourself... Relax your mind..... And come with me... We should sit peacefully and talk"

Taehyung nodded and jimin unlocked the door taking him in the house.

"Give him to me... And sit there like a good boy".. Taehyung obeyed his instruction and sat on the chair after giving eun to jimin.

" Hm...... Now tell me the whole story "

"Ok"... Then taehyung started to narrate the whole story.. Jimin was hearing it attentively.

" Ok... So.. What you want to do now"

"Umm... I want to tell papa the whole truth.. But I can't now... I am not ready yet.. "

"You said that you have to leave tomorrow... "

Taehyung nodded.

"Then... How you can't take Eun with you right? "

"Yes... I can't.... Even if I don't introduce his real identity.... Mother mother will never accept him"

Taehyung said looking down. Eyes were glossy.

"Mother or bitch" Jimin muttered under his breath.

"Did you said anything jimina.. " Ohh... Nothing... I was just mumbling random things ".. Jimin said with a fake smile.

" Mm... Taehyung.. Then we have to keep Eun to someone else's care.. "

"But... How can I leave him like that... I can't make him suffer..... I am si confused jimina... "

"Then how about that.... Eun will stay with my parents.... As eun love them very much... So there will be no problem.. "

"But jimin... Didn't you say that uncle and aunty isn't at home.... They have gone to take care of your grandparents. "

"Aishhh..... I forgot that..... So what can we do now" Jimin asked with worried voice.

"I shouldn't go there.... But papa must try to find me.... He will be very heartbroken if he didn't see me after returning home".. Taehyung said with a cute pout and glossy eyes.

" Then... Taehyung I will keep him"

Taehyung immediately disagreed.. "No jimina... You can't you have school to attend and also your dad's work.... So you can't jimina"

Jimin sighed and sat there without any word. Taehyung also thinking hard silently.

Eun was playing with his bunny toy gifted by jungkook. And suddenly an idea has popped up in jimin's mind.

"We can ask jungkook sir to take care of Eun when you are away from him" Jimin suggested.

"But... How can we ask him... He has his own works.... I don't want to be burden to him".. Taehyung said in a small voice.

" Didn't you said earlier that he loves Eun very much.. And he takes care of him with so much tenderness..... So in my opinion he is the right person to ask"

"But... Jimina... We can't bother him like this.. "

"Trust me taehyung... He won't be bother... Instead he will be glad to help you"

Jimin said those because he noticed how jungkook looked at taehyung, how he wants to help him every way possible, how he takes care of Eun like a father...... It's not a normal behavior of a teacher..... There is something else in his gaze...

It is not bad. He noticed the respect and adoration of jungkook towards taehyung ....... So he is pretty sure that jungkook will take the responsibility of Eun gladly.

Taehyung was still hesitating.

"Taehyung... Let me call...Jungkook sir first..... He must be in school now.... But after school I will tell him to come in your apartment.. '

Taehyung just nodded.

" Tae.. Don't worry.. Everything will be fine... I am always will you..... So rest assured...... Ok? "

He caressed his head lovingly.

Jimin called jungkook.

On call-

Hello sir are you busy...

"No what happened.. Tell me"

Ok... Then... Taehyung and I have something tell you... Can you come to taehyung's apartment after the school..

"Yes... Of course... I will reach there as soon as possible... Just wait for me" (Jungkook answered immediately)

Hmm.. Ok sir...

"Jimin is taehyung not feeling well or eun need anything... If they need me right now... Then I am coming right away.. " (Jungkook said with worry and desperation in his voice)

Ahh... No sir... You just come after finishing your work.. Than would do... Ok.. Thank you sir.

With that he cut the call.

"What did he said? " Taehyung asked.

"Hmm... He is ready to come as soon as I called him..... He really care for you and eun..... So I think I made the right choice... Isn't it"

Taehyung didn't said anything he just nodded hesitantly..

One the other hand jungkook was restless throughout the school hour... Thinking what would possibly taehyung want to tell him... Why didn't he called him directly, will he tell him to stay away from eun......... This various thoughts are floating in his mind.

And for that he was in hurry to finish every classes early........so that he could go to taehyung ASAP...


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