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"Jungkook..... Come home....... I told your father and he seemed very angry... He didn't said to me but his attitude didn't seem good to me.. " Mrs. Jeon dump the bomb in jungkook's peaceful making it tensed.

He was sleeping while hugging his boyfie's soft body but the news made him sprint up from his comfortable warmth.

"Mom.... Can't you find any other time to break this news.... " Jungkook whinned.

"Hey.. Brat.... You know how much courage I need to break the news to your father........ Just come fast..... He was getting pressure from his friend. "

"What!.. Mina.. Didn't convinced father... She said she would... " Jungkook said in confusion.

"I don't know.... You just come fast.... He looks like a dangerous alpha to me.... I am terrified. "She dramatically muttered.

Jungkook laughed at her description of his father's anger. " Mom.... Stop reading those fan fiction.... (Laugh)... "

"You can't understand the emotion... And come hurry... " She sulked.

Jungkook controlled his laugh.. "Ok.. Mom.... I will reach there by evening..... "

"Ok.. Come fast.. And take care of my son in law and my cutie pie... Bye.. "

She cut the call.

"Wah... She didn't even ask me how am I.. All ahe said to take care of her son in law and cutie pie.... Ahh... She changed the party too quickly.. " He smiled.

Taehyung woke up in the middle of the call but after hearing 'son in law'.. His face flushed.

"Oh.. Taehyung.... Did I wake you up... " Jungkook caressed his cheeks.

Taehyung lowered his head feeling shy in front of his gaze.

"Umm... No.... Who called you.. " Taehyung asked softly.

"Mom.. Called me, she asked me to go home as early as possible.. "

"Ohh.. When will you go.. ".. Taehyung asked with much eagerness as he don't want to leave the latter.

Jungkook smiled softly feeling happy that taehyung is brother about his departure.

Jungkook pecked his lips softly.

Taehyung's eyes immediately grew bigger. He isn't quite used to this sudden kisses.

" It's not me.... It's us... Us three... "

Taehyung pouted in confusion.. Making his look like a cute bear.

"Are we also going with you..? "

"Yes... How can I leave my two babies behind.... I must take them with me otherwise how can I live.... Ahh... I can't.. " Jungkook placed his hand on his chest and lied down pulling taehyung to himself in this process.

Taehyung  head fall over his chest.

Jungkook circled his hand around taehyung's small frame taehyung hugged him back feeling comfortable.

"My father came to know about the incident... Mom said he is angry.... So I need to go there... You and Eun also come with me.. ".. Jungkook started to speak caressing taehyung's soft locks.

" Will he accept me.. "Taehyung asked in a saddened voice.

" I think he will.. Cause he loves me so much..... And who on the earth can resist such cuties..... He will surely love you... "

Jungkook laughed.

Taehyung slapped his chest softly and get up from there.

"Ouch!... What that's for..? "

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now