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A beautiful boy.. With light brown hair, full pink lips.. Lightly tan skin.. Was sleeping like an angel. But suddenly he jolted up from sleep hearing a shrill voice of his stepmother.

"Taehyung... Wake up unless you want to be beaten up early in the morning".. His step mom shouted.

" I want you in the kitchen in ten minutes.. Other wise you know the consequences "she warned him showing a cruel face.

Taehyung's pov:

So... This is my life.. My every morning is like this... I won't complain... As long as I can go to school... I like to draw... And I also like history very much... She allows me to go school... And I am happy about it.

My father don't live here... He have to stay far from us for work.. But he come to meet with us once in every year.. He bought me gifts.. He loves me.. I also love him very much.. I like my mom also my sister.

Her name is sana.. I love her but she don't love me.. She sometimes hit me... But it's ok.

I am Kim Taehyung.. I am 16 years old and loves to go school... I have a best friend.. He is very sweet.. His name is park jimin.. And I feel very blessed to have him..

Ahh... I forgot.. I have to go to the kitchen.. To make breakfast or I will be beaten up.

So I hurriedly did my morning routine and runs towards the kitchen.

I quickly made some breakfast.. Some toste with egg and a mild soup for my sister.. She can't eat spicy or hard food as she has a hole in her heart.. Doctors say she needs an operation but that costs too much money.. We didn't had that much... But.. Mum.. And dad was trying to earn..

I do want to help.. But I can't do much  .. So I try to make her dish with minimum spices with maximum taste... As she don't like mild foods.

Ohh.. They are already here.. I need to serve them fast..

After serving them taehyung went to kitchen to clean the kitchen up...

"Taehyung... Where the hell are you... A good for nothing bitch"

Tae heard his mom's shouting from the kitchen... He hurriedly went to her.

"What happened mom.. Is everything alright "

"Alright.. Haa.. You tried to kill my daughter... Look she is coughing after eating your food"

"But.. I made it exactly the same as you instructed me.. " Taehyung said in a small voice..

"Then.. How did it happen., do you think I am a fool, I know it very well that you don't like her.. That's why you did it".. She said sounding dangerous.

" I-i never did that... I love her.. I will never harm her"taehyung said with tears in his eyes.. But he don't want to cry.. He don't want to make himself weak.

The actual reason she was coughing because she secretly ate the pickle from the jar.

Taehyung knows it very well, but no one would hear his words.

"You ugly peace of shit... You are just a waste of space nothing more.. I wish your mother could take you with her".. She said and marched from here with sana .

She always do something like this, though she is elder than me.. She is 20 years old.

After my mother's death my father married her, she already had a child. My father marries her so that I don't have to stay alone at home.

Our house is small there is only two bedroom.. And that were occupied by mom and sara.. I somehow adjusted in the store room... I just need a place to sleep so storeroom is convenient for me.

She always said that I should've also died with my mom.. Actually I also wished that.... But anyway I have to clean up the whole house as today is Sunday.

My mumma used to say that life is too short to cry... We should be happy.. In whatever situation one is facing.. They should always have a smile on his face to overcome it... and be truly happy...... And I am doing the same things.

"I love you mumma.. Bless your son... To overcome every hardship".. He said while looking at the sky.. While kissing a locket that his mother gave him when he was a child.

"What are you doing there.. Come with me".. His stepmother called him harshly.

" Coming mom"... He answered while trying his shoelaces in hurry.

Hmm.. We are now going to mom's work place.. Which is 3km away from our house.. We get their by bus.

She works as a cleaner in a big bar.. I sometimes tag along to help her. The bar is very big and beautiful.. Many rich people go there.. But sometimes the alcohol small makes me sick..

We arrived here after forty five minutes after changing our uniform we starts our cleaning.

Our job is.. We need to clean the place before the guest arrive, and if any guest split the drink some where Or they vomit accidentally.

I was cleaning peacefully but I noticed that mom was talking with a man and he also looking at me time to time... But I shrugged it off concentrating on my cleaning.

Step mom's pov:

I was cleaning but suddenly I noticed something.... A very handsome looking man eyeing taehyung head to toe.. And the man seems very rich judging by his attire.

"Do you like him".. I asked.. He seems to be startled by my voice.

" Ahh.. No no.. I am really  not into me... I was just looking.. He is looking very innocent "

A plan strike my mind.. "He looks innocent but in reality he is not"

"Haa.. What are you saying"

"Yes.. It is the truth.. He sleeps with people for money "

"How did you know that" The man asked me.

"Oh.. I know this because.. He told me to find him some customers"

"But.. He looks underage and very innocent.. "

"No.. No... He might look small.. But he is twenty plus. "

"Ok ..then... Can I hire him.. "

"But you previously said you are not into men.. What happen now".. I said teasing.

He scratch his back of the neck in embarrassment.. " It-its not for me.. For my friend.. I wanted to give him a surprise.. I previously hired a very beautiful stripper but she ditched mebin the last moment.

"Ok.. Then... How much can you pay me"

"Umm... I can pay one million won.. Is it okay? "He asked hesitantly.

I was shocked.. He can pay one million won for one night.. In this amount I can pay my daughter's hospital bill, she could have her operation.

Finally this trash came to use... I am very happy right now..

"Ok... Final" I confirm the deal.

"So... I am giving you advance of the one half of the money.. And another half in the morning.. Is that ok with you"

"Yes... Yes.. More than ok mr,? "


"Ok.. Mr. Jackson.. He will be ready on time "

"I am giving you this room key card.. Make sure he is present there sharp 11'O clock.

" Ok... I surely will"

"I am talking my leave then... Bye.. Nice to meet you"

"Bye Mr. Jackson.. "

I am jumping in happiness.. I am very happy today... But.. I have to make that slut ready... And I have a plan for this..


How is the chapter.. Comment me.... 💜💜💜

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