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"Mina.. I need to tell you something".. Jungkook informed Mina when they reached jungkook's apartment.

" Ok.. Say".. She sat down on the sofa pointing jungkook to sit.

She was happily munching chips.

Jungkook was playing with his fingers looking down.

"Jungkook... Don't hesitate... Pls say whatever you want"

He lifted his head. "Umm... Mina.... I can't marry you"

Mina stopped eating. "You are kidding right... "

"No" Jungkook steadily answered.

She chuckled "jungkook.. Don't make fun of me... I won't give in to your prank"

"No Mina.... I am not pranking you... I  am serious" Jungkook said with a serious voice.

Mina's smile dropped.

"But... But... What happened.. Everything was right... Did I do something wrong.. Tell me".. She asked with a desperate tone.

" No Mina... You haven't done anything.. It is just me.. I am the one who made mistakes... Created difficulties in people's life".. He said in a saddened tone.

"But.. Jungkook.. You... Why are you saying this".. She asked with a glossy eyes.

" I... I am a father Mina"he said with a little bit stuttering.

"What are you saying jungkook.. Do you know what are you talking about".. She asked quite confused about the whole situation.

" Yes.. I know it very well Mina... I have a son.. My own blood "

"Then who is the mother"

"That... That... He is taehyung.. The boy you previously met at the store"

Jungkook finally confessed.

"Huh... He... He is yours student... And moreover he is a minor.... Whatever you are saying isn't making any sense".. She said a little big frustrated.

There was a pause for few minutes.

" Oh... Now I understand... You are saying this things become you want to take care of your student and that little boy..... But for that you don't need to break the marriage.... I will also look after them".. She said with a smile.

Jungkook was looking at her dumbfounded.

"You are not understanding.... This is not the matter.... I am really Eun's biological father.... And I can prove it to you" He said and sprinted up from his seat to get the report.

Tears were falling from Mina's eyes.

After getting the report jungkook quickly came down stairs.

"Mina...take this.. " He handed her the report breathing heavily with all running.

She took the report and started reading.

She was now crying mess.

Jungkook was very sad looking at her crying face.. But he knows that he have to do it... It is for their own future.

After few minutes of crying she composed herself somehow.

"I am sorry Mina... I am really very sorry" He said with his head hung low.

"How did this happened jungkook... Does taehyung knows that"

"No don't know anything... "

"Then when are you going to tell him"

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