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"Jungkook what's the hurry... You still have three days of holiday... " Mrs. Jeon said while serving him breakfast.

"Mom... There are some important work in the school.. I need to hurry back mom... "

"But.... Can't they do by themselves... "

"No mom... I need to be there... And don't worry I will call you everyday.

She pouted. " I will miss you my baby.. "

"Me too mom"

"Where is dad"

"Oh.. He went to office early... You can't even say goodbye to him... He will be very heartbroken" She said dramatically crying.

"My dramatic mom... Nothing would happen like that... I told him yesterday night.. Don't worry"

"Ok.. Ok... Now eat your breakfast"

Jungkook finished eating and got ready quickly.

"Bye.. Mom... Take care of yourself.. And dad"

"Bye.. Kook... Eat healthy, sleep on time and dont overwork yourself.. And calm me daily"

Jungkook gave her a bunny smile and waved at her and hopped on the car.

After reaching his apartment he fresh'n himself up and called taehyung. He wanted to know that taehyung is in his home or not and when tae informed that he is at home jungkook quickly told him he is coming to see Eun. Taehyung also agreed.

Taehyung was very happy after hearing that jungkook has came back. He was very excited to meet him after many days.

He made himself presentable and dressed up Eun in a cute oneshie.

"I need to ask him.. Is there any link between this chain and tae" He looked at the chain in his hand.

Jungkook kept the chain under his droyer and went towards taehyung's house.

He knocked on the door.

Taehyung happily opened the door with a giggling Eun in taehyung's arm.

Jungkook every tension and stress vanish looking at their smile. He himself smiled unknowingly.

"Welcome sir.. "

"No... I want to take Eun for a walk.. Can I " Jungkook politely asked.

Taehyung nodded. "Of course... He missed you very much"

Taehyung smiled and give Eun to jungkook's arm.

Jungkook's heart is feeling relived by looking at the baby's face but his mind is at war within.

"Taehyung you should also come with us... Eun will be happy"

Taehyung happily nodded.

As it was afternoon they went to a nearby park. Eun was smiling throughout the way.. Taehyung was also walking happily.

They converse many things, played with Eun a little, had icecream.

But after sometimes Eun got tired and slept on jungkook's chest.

Jungkook cooed at the cute sight.

"Tae... Come and sit here" He pointed at a bench.

Taehyung went and sat beside jungkook enjoying the sunset.

"It is very beautiful.. Isn't it sir" He said looking at the beautiful setting sun.

Jungkook just looked at his ethereal face which was looking more angelic as the sun rays hitting his skin.

Jung answered "yes.. Indeed".. Still looking at taehyung's face.

" Taehyung... Can I ask you something "

Taehyung looked at him and nodded.

"Don't get me wrong it is a bit personal... I just wanted to know"

"It's ok sir ... Ask me"

"Umm.. Err... Who is Eun's father"

Taehyung's smiled dropped.

He hesitatingly answered "umm.. About that... Eun.. My dad"

"I know taehyung... You are not his brother.... I know you gave birth to him"

Taehyung lowered his head. "Sorry sir... I-I lied to you"

"Taehyung don't say sorry... You never lied to me... I just assumed all by myself"

"But how did you know that" Taehyung questioned with life voice.

"Umm... I knew it when you are in hospital conversion with the doctor about run's breastfeeding"


"Then.. Can you answer me who is Eun's father.. And why he didn't take any responsibility of Eun"

"It's not like that sir... It's just I don't know who is Eun's father.. I never saw him"

"I might be weird.
But it is the truth"

"If you are not uncomfortable.. Can you tell me what happens"

Taehyung remin silent. Thinking something deeply.

But jungkook was feeling restless every passing moment. But somehow calming himself down by looking at Eun's face. There is a unexplainable connection that he feels towards the baby.

"Ta-tae... If you are uncomfortable.. You don't have to speak now"

Taehyung suddenly started speaking "Approximately one and a half year before I went to work in a bar with my mom"

Jungkook was quite surprised after hearing mom word but he didn't interrupt him.

"After Woking for hours I started to feel dizzy and mom took me to a room for rest.. Af-after that I couldn't remember anything clearly..... Next morning" His voice broke.

"Next morning I forgot myself without any garments on the bed... And mom blamed me that I am a character less person.... But I am not like that... I didn't do anything"

Taehyung started crying.

"She kicked me out of the house.. Then I started to living with jimin... But after sometimes I came to know that I  am pregnant with Eun"

"I was very scared at first... But then he became my strength... I feel myself very lucky to have him" Taehyung smiled between jis cries looking at Eun while caressing his hair.

Jungkook was gulping hard. His mind was stuck on the 'bar'word.

"What is the name of the bar"jungkook asked immediately.

" Umm... The bar was expensive.. The name was... Hmm.... Yes.. Blue hour.. Ahh.. Yes"but why did you asked sir.

"That is the same bar" Jungkook told to himself.

"Do you also think I ....I am a cheep person... Like many people think"

"No taehyung.. You are not... Rather you are the strongest person I ever seen... Eun is very lucky to get a mother like you"

Taehyung smiled in happiness. His smile melted jungkook's heart and at the same time he was very determined to find the whole truth.

After that jungkook drop them to their home. He called someone..

On call-"Jackson.. Wherever you are come to the blue hour bar as soon as possible. "

He cut the call.

"I need to find the whole thing.. I have to" He said to himself while driving his car.



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