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After one week...

"Bye... Bye... Mom, dad.... "

"Bye.... Appa... Omma.. "

"Say bye to grandpa, grandpa... " Jungkook said making a weaving jester with eun's hand.

Mrs. Jeon is in tears. Mr. Kim is also not so good.

"Mom.... Don't be upset.... We will be here after six months.... Ok".. Jungkook said hugging his mother.

" Umm... But I am very imotional right now..... I will miss my cutie and cute son in law... "... She said puffing her cheeks.

Jungkook chuckled.

Taehyung is also in tears seeing her cry.

" Tae.... Come to me... "Mr.jeon hugged him lovingly.

" We will wait for you.... Best of luck for your upcoming exam.... "He cheered taehyung, he don't want to see his second son sad.

" Yes appa.. "He smiled.

" Tae baby.... Be healthy and safe.. Ok... And don't forget to call us whenever you get time ok.... "Mrs.jeon said caressing his cheeks.

" Take care of them"... She sternly said glaring at jungkook.

"Ok my Mother.... But you are actually my mother.... Umm.... It's concerning.... " He joked.

Getting a hit from his mother in his back he yelped in the impact.

"You don't love me anymore... I know... Only my prince love me.... " He pouted taking eun from taehyung's arm.

Everyone chuckled at the big baby.

"Eun.... Give dada a kissy... ".. He turned his cheeks to eun to get a kiss.

Eun gave him a biting kiss.. Making everyone smile.

" Yes... See... "He proudly showed his cheeks to everyone.

" Ok ok... Enough.... Go now... Otherwise you will be late... "

"Oh. Yes... Mom..... Bye... Bye... "

They weaved back.

Jungkook securely put taehyung on the front seat giving Eun in his lap then he started the engine to his destination.. Which is the school.

Taehyung need to attend for his upcoming examination. So, he already got ready wearing his school uniform. Jungkook also need to take class but he decided to join in the second half.

Jungkook directly went inside school premises and parked his car.

The students who are at the corridor quickly recognized that it's Mr. Jeon's car.

They are silently watching and whispering among themselves but in very low sound as they don't want him to know they are watching him.

Within few seconds most of the students in the school came to the balcony to see him but secretly....... They may or may not be wanted to see Mr. Jeon with taehyung.... They are too excited about it.

As jungkook was setting taehyung's hair so it was taking a little time to get down from the car.

Fir first jungkook get off from the car lookin all sharp and too handsome that can make everyone fall on his knee despite the gender. They are simping over him.

Jungkook then went to the opposite door. They students were trying their hard to look inside the car.

He unfastened the seat belt and helped the sitting person to come out by holding his hand... Face was flattering a charming smile.

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now