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"I want to see my baby.. I am missing him too much".. Taehyung says tearing up.

He is in his room right now after cleaning the whole house, doing chores and making breakfast for them. He have to work most of the time.

Taehyung's father protested against it but it's all in vain as his mother showed that how sick she is and she has pain in her leg.

Sana was also sick... And also he has to give interview to multiple companies to get a job so she can't do household works and bla bla bla.

At least his protests died against their pre prepared excuses.

Taehyung too assured his father that he have no problem with household work he can manage it.

After debating with himself he finally video called jungkook.

Taehyung somehow corrected his dissolved state which occurred due to all day working. Taehyung was nervous.

After two or three rings jungkook picked up the call showing his bunny teeth.

Taehyung felt a sudden relief seeing his face, he too smiled.

"How are you hyung"

"I am fine..... What about you... Why are you looking so tired, do you need any help, you can tell me"... Jungkook blabbered in one breath.

Taehyung chuckled. " Don't worry I am fine.... How is eun"

"Eun is fine taehyung... He just missing his momma.... Wait a minute... Let me take this to him"

"Yes hyung... Pls"... He was waiting eagerly to see eun's face....the tears have already started to fall from his eyes.

Finally jungkook turned the camera to show the baby to him who is now busy in playing with his bunny.

" Baby..... See mumma has called you"jungkook turned the phone to eun to show him his mumma's face.

Eun is looking at the screen with big doe eyes and spreading his hand to touch his mumma.

Taehyung started crying more seeing his baby.

Seeing  his mumma cry Eun also has started tearing up.

"Eun baby... Don't cry.. Don't cry.. Look mumma is not crying anymore... Don't cry baby"

Jungkook was caressing Eun's back to calm him down.

Taehyung gave him a smile while doing little dance.

Eun immediately stopped crying and giggled at his mumma.

"Yes... That's my boy.... " He clapped.

Eun also tried to clap but miserably failed which caused smile to both parents.

"Tae.... When are you coming back.... Everyone is missing you.... Me also" He said the last sentence in whisper.

But taehyung heard it... It's tainted his cheeks with the colors of crimson red.

Jungkook picked up Eun in his arm while talking with tae.

Unknowingly taehyung's heart fluttered at the scene. He is feeling very happy seeing them like this.

"He seemed tired" Jungkook said patting his back who slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Thank you for taking care of him"... Taehyung said feeling blissful inside.

" I want to take care of him... With everything I have.. ".. Jungkook said making a dreamy eyes.

The whole moment is very soft very homely ,pure.... Taehyung is feeling blessed to have such person in his life. A calmness surrounded his whole being at that moment.

No one is saying anything they are just feeling the moment.

Suddenly a harsh voice break their trance.

" Tae.... Come here quickly "..

Taehyung panicked.

" Ab..uh... Hyung.... Mom is calling.. I have to go... Bye ... Take care of yourself and Eun"

He quickly cut the call.

Jungkook was feeling uneasy seeing his panicked expressions.

"I must visit him...... I want to ensure his safety".. He made a mental note of this topic.

Next day....

Taehyung got a notification in his phone which is from his school.

Jimin also called him to inform him this matter. As they have ptm in their school so all student along with their parents is instructed to attend the meeting.

Taehyung was happy to see it.... Because if he can go to school he can probably meet with eun too.

So he inform his father about it. His father accepted it wholeheartedly he also convinced his mother to go with him.

Taehyung is happy today because he is going to school, he can meet with Eun , jimin also his jungkook hyung.

He can't say out loud but he also missing the elder. Their little walk to the park with eun, his comfortable words, bunny smile, he is missing those so much.

Finally they reached their school. Mijo was making face in the whole ride, coursing taehyung under her breath.

He saw jimin and quickly went to them after informing his father.

Mijo was eyeing his every move. They main reason she came with them today because she wanted to keep on her on taehyung.

Jimin and taehyung hugged each other.

"How are yoh taehyung... You don't seemed very good to me".. Jimin remarked inspecting him up and down.

" You lost weight taehyung "... Jimin said in a serious tone.

" Jimin.... Just forget about it now.... I want to see Eun... Can you take me to him after meeting "... Taehyung said desperately.

Jimin smiled.

" Don't worry tae... Jungkook sir arranged everything for you... You can surely meet with Eun.... Or my little hubby ".. Jimin chuckled.

Taehyung also smiled. " Yes... I am missing your little hubby too much"..

"Ok... So.... I am telling you the plan... You just have to follow it.. Ok"

Taehyung nodded.

Jimin whispered the whole plan to him which tae showed his thumbs up.

Mijo was looking at them from a distance with curiosity.

After little conversation taehyung returned to his father. Now it's their turn to meet with the teacher.

Oh, and jimin was with his uncle as his parents could not make it due to his grandma's poor health condition.

As the entered the meeting room taehyung's eyes grew bigger in shock.. But he immediately composed himself.

"Hello sir... I  am taehyung's father.. Kim sohel... And this is my wife  Kim Mijo".. Taehyung's father introduced themselves in front of the teacher.

" Oh... Hello... I am their homeroom teacher Jeon jungkook "

They shake their hands.

"Pls take a seat".. He requested them while sitting himself. Taehyung is just standing beside his parents.

Jungkook looked at him with a eye smile. But he had to divert his gaze to his parents as he doesn't want to mess things up.

But something about taehyung's mother mijo caught his eyes.... He happened to see the lady somewhere.

"I saw her somewhere... But... Where? " He said in his mind.

Finally jungkook casually started discussing about taehyung's study's and all.

But mijo was noticed taehyung, she also noticed the fact that how he was looking at jungkook.


Finally your update is here.... I am going to sleep now 😴😴😴

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