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"Hey... Bartender.. Do you have any drug pill"

"We.. Have... But it is a bit expensive" He whispered in her ear.

"I am giving you money... Just give me the pill quickly..... And are you sure it will work.. "

"I am hundred percent sure it will work on anybody"

"Ok.. Thank you "

She took the pill and gave the money to the bartender.

Step mother' s pov:

I have to mix the pill with something... What can I do... What can I do... Ahh.. Yes.. I should mix it with juice... He surely will drink it.

She mixed the pill with juice and takes it to taehyung.

He was mopping the floor. She went to him with the glass.

"Ahh.. Taehyung... You might be tired... Come drink this".. She extend her hand with a glass of juice.

Taehyung was quite surprised. She never done that before. He was looking at her dumbfounded.

" Come on.. Take it.. The shop owner gave it to all his employees. "

He hezitatingly takes the glass from his hand... He was thirsty too so he drank it.

She smirks "now continue your work.. I am going".. She takes the glass from him and went out.

Taehyung's pov:

What's with her today.. She never did anything for me.... But I like it when she cared for me.

I must continue my work or mom will be offended....

I was moping the floor but suddenly my eyes was feeling heavy... I can't even stand properly... Every thing before me is going blurry. I am going to fall but someone's hand stopped me from falling... I don't know who the person was but he make me sit on a chair and asked me if I am ok..

I nodded my head... And he left the place.. After few minutes my mom come to me... I can't recognize her.. I just identify her with her voice.

She took me to a room.. Then... Then....

Stepmother's pov:

The medicine is working perfectly... The bartender says that the effects of medicine will last seven hours... Right now it's 10 pm.... The rich guy told me to get him ready nearly 11 PM... So I have time to do his makeup...

Third person's pov:

She did his makeup... Styled his hair... Applied a red lipstick on his lips... Unbuttoned his upper two buttons and made it fall from his shoulders.

Taehyung was looking breathtaking... His curvy body.. prominent caller bone with a slightly puffed up chest.. (As he can give birth his body shape is according to it).... And a sinful face he was making in the influence of the medicine... Can make any men weak on their knees.

"Now I have to send him to room 112...before 11"...she hurried up her works.

She takes his trembling figure to the room..

" Sit.. In the bed taehyung "

"Umm... Whe-where am I " Taehyung asked her in his befuddled state.

"Now I have to answer this shit.... "

"Taehyung..... You are in a room and listen carefully whatever the owner of this room told you to do you will do the work. Without any second Word.... Did you understand"

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