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Next day taehyung agreed to move in with jungkook. He was over the moon . As he didn't wasted a single minute to pack taehyung's things and take him to his apartment. He also informed him mother about that. She was too happy.

Taehyung felt awkward at first but he slowly getting comfortable with it.

His room is beside jungkook's. Jungkook already prepared the room for him. One step ahead.

Right now taehyung is getting ready for school with eun lying on his bed playing with his bunny plushy.

Jungkook knocked on his door. "Tae.. Are you ready.... "

Taehyung opened the door for him. Jungkook was grinning ear to ear.

"If you are ready come down to have breakfast noona made many things for you"

"You come but before that let me take my fluff ball with me.. "

Taehyung chuckled. "As your wish.. "

Jungkook take eun with him who was giggling whole time.

Taehyung followed behind them.

"Sorry for the trouble noona".. Taehyung said apologically.

" You are like my son taehyung, don't apologize... I made it from my heart for you.. "

"Thank you noona"

"You can thank me later now come and eat you have classes. "

"Umm.. Yes"

Taehyung and jungkook is eating with eun on jungkook's lap playing with his father's shirt buttons.

They were giggling among them, sometimes eun is making silly face making their parents laugh if anyone see them they would surely say that what a perfect family. The helper noona also admiring them.

Soon they finished their food. They kissed on eun's both cheeks and went to their school.

Like this one week have passed. Taehyung is happier than ever. Jungkook takes care of him, help him into studies, he always dropped him to work and school.

Though jungkook want taehyung to rest he can take care of everything but he don't want him to feel that he is a burden to him. Taehyung loves his work and jungkook respect his decision.

On the other side sara is getting angrier day by day. How jungkook didn't spare her a glance and how his full focus on taehyung even during the class. She noticed it. She is irritated to see taehyung's happy face. She is fuming in anger.

In the influence of her jealousy she started to spread rumors about jungkook and taehyung all over the school and it's spreads like a wild fire cus people like to gossip and blame anyone without any particular evidence.

Taehyung was very happy for few days but today when he came to school many students were murmuring various things behind his back looking at his with disgust...

He also heard some students saying... "Look.. Isn't he the one... "

"Oh yes yes... What have Mr. Jeon see in him... Such a lousy figure"

"Mr.jeon isn't at fault maybe he throws himself to him.. "

Taehyung was too confused and frightened. Feeling embarrassed with all those stare and comments.

But he still went to his classroom as he have to study because the exam is near. He need to score good marks.

But to his dismay upon entering his classroom he noticed something. Something written on board like... "Taehyung is a whore.. "....

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