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Next day..

After making breakfast Mina went to jungkook's room.

"Today I will wake him up... He must be very happy seeing me".. She felt giddy.

She went to his room smiling brightly.

After reaching his room she sat beside jungkook's sleeping figure and started caressing his hair and cheeks.

" Jungkook... Wake up... Or you will be late for school "she whispered lovingly.

Jungkook suddenly woke up but he was surprised to see Mina in his room.

" Mina.. What are you doing here"he asked in his morning voice and Mina blushed at that.

"Umm... Jungkook I made you breakfast.. quickly get ready and come downstairs" She said and left from there.

Jungkook was sitting on the bed like a ghost with his messie bed hair.

He gave off a long sigh and get ready quickly.. As he have to pick tae also.

He sat for the breakfast which Mina was serving. He is feeling guilty now. Mina is so good to him... But he can't return her feeling or anything. So he decided to speak to her.

"Mina... I have something to say to you"

"Yes... Tell me" She casually answered.

"No.. Not now..... I will tell you at night"

"Ok... No problem" She said and started to eating her breakfast.

Jungkook nodded and finished his food quickly. After that he bid her goodbye.

Jungkook is waiting for taehyung with a clouded mind.He didn't even notice that taehyung is standing in front of him.

"Sir.. Sir.. "

He came back from his transe after hearing his voice.

"Ohh.. Taehyung you came.. Come get on the car.. And where is jimin"

"Jimin is a bit late today.... But why are you here sir"

"Didn't I tell you I will pickup and drop you everyday" Jungkook said acting reasonable.

"Umm... But why sir... It will waste your time"

"No... It won't.... I want to do it and I will do it.... Moreover your house is in my way so there is no problem"

"But sir"

"No.. But... Just obey your teacher"

Taehyung nodded defeatedly.

After some minutes jimin also came and they headed toward the school.

The school went well without any further disturbances with jungkook dropped jimin and taehyung to their respective places.

Jungkook reached his apartment at 5.30 pm with mina welcoming him with a smile.

"Welcome home jungkook... I cocked your favorite kimchi fried rice today.. Come and eat quickly".. She said and went to kitchen.

After jungkook washed up he had his food.

" Jungkook could you take to shopping... Pls... Pls "she cutely pleaded.

" I am going to tell her the truth today... She did many things for me.. So atleast I could do this for her"he thinks.

"Ok... I will take you... Pls be ready in one hour"

"Ok.. Ok... No problem... And plz wear the engagement ring.. It looks good on you"

Jungkook didn't said anything. She finished her food and went to get ready happily.

Jungkook put on a black hoodie paired with blue jeans.. With his favorite black combat shoes.

Mina also got ready with her beautiful flowery dress.

They went out for shopping. They bought various things.. Mainly Mina bought, jungkook was just standing with a expressionless face.

Lastly Mina dreamed jungkook to the convenience store. Jungkook was praying internally... He doesn't want to encounter taehyung at this moment.

But to his bad luck... Taehyung is here.

Mina went to him while dragging jungkook with him.

"Mina... Try to understand... We can come tomorrow... Pls we should go home for now" He said wanted to convince Mina.

"Hey... Taehyung right... Jungkook's student".. She asked taehyung.

" Ohh.. Yes... How may I help you".. He politely asked.

"It's ok... Just look at your teacher... He dot wanted to come here... I dragged him with me".. She chuckles after saying.

" Ohh... "Taehyung smiled half heartedly.

Jungkook composed himself and stand in front of him. Eun was giggling looking at him. Jungkook's heart melt.

" Taehyung... Give him to me"he opened his arms.

Tae passed Eun to jungkook. Who seems to happy.

"Let's go baby.... I am gonna show you something interesting" He speaks to the giggling fluff ball and went out with him.

Mina was standing there dumbfounded. After getting Eun he completely forgot about her.

"Umm... Miss... Do you need any help"

"Ohh.. No.. No taehyung... Look at him.. He just forgot about me" She pouted.

"Sorry... " Taehyung apologized.

"Why are you apologizing... You did nothing"

"He left you here for Eun.. That's why.. I am really sorry"

"Don't be..... I am not sad.... He is my fiance after all.. "

"Are-are you engaged" Taehyung asked feeling a pang in his heart.

"Of course.. We are going to get married soon" She said while caressing her ring.

Taehyung looked at the ring with a hurt eyes.

"Omo.. I totally forgot.. I need to buy something" She said and went to find her required items...

After that jungkook came to taehyung. He was gulping down a big lump of throat.

"Taehyung.. Give me a diaper... The one he is wearing seems wet".. He said while checking his diaper.

Taehyung nodded and gave jungkook a new one.

Jungkook carefully removed the wet diper and put him the new one.

" Ok... That's my boy"while saying jungkook kissed his forehead.

"Jungkook.. I am done shopping.. Let's ho home" Mina said with a bag full of food items.

Jungkook just nodded as he doesn't want to go away from taehyung and Eun... But he knows he have to..... As he will say the truth today.

Jungkook passed Eun to tae and drove off with Mina.

Taehyung was silent entire time. After the exits the shop a single tear fall from his eyes.


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