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"How can you do this to him... Jungkook... He is still a minor... " He said tearing up with a hurtful expression on his face.

"Don't say like this papa.. " Taehyung said in a quivering voice.

"I was never a good father for you, I can't even able to make you happy... Now I failed to save you.... I am sorry my son.. " He cried out in agony.

"Don't say like this Mr. Kim.... " Mr. Jeon interrupted.

"Why did this happened to you..... Did he force himself to you...  You don't have to be scared from them....  I will save you with my all..... Say taehyung... " He pleaded.

"He didn't force me.... "

"You are lying right... They must have threatened you to shut your mouth...... Don't be scared my son.... You papa is here now...... He will complain to the police. "

He glared at jungkook who wanted to say something.

"Come with me tae".. He suddenly hold his hand and took him towards the door.

" Papa!... Papa.... First listen to me... Papa!.. "He isn't listening anything.

" Mr. Kim... Don't do this... Pls.... "Jungkook went behind the them.

Mr. Jeon and mrs. Jeon also trying to convince him but he isn't ready to hear anything.

Suddenly everyone's movements stopped by a crying sound. Eun is crying who is in jungkook's hold.

" Baby... Baby... Don't cry... Dada.. Is here.. Don't cry my prince.. "Jungkook was straddling him trying comfort the crying baby .

Taehyung immediately loosened his father's hold and ran to eun.

Mr. Kim was standing dumbfounded.

" Baby... Look.... Mumma is here.. He isn't crying anymore... Look... "Taehyung wiped his tears quickly.

" Wanna come to mummy.... "Taehyung streched his hand and put eun on his arm.

" Why is my baby crying.... Is he crying because his mumma is crying... "Jungkook asked eun in baby voice.

" Look mumma isn't crying anymore.... "Jungkook wiped the remaining tears from taehyung's cheeks.

Eun slowly stopped crying while sniffing.

Jungkook kissed his forehead who smiled brightly.

" Yes... That's my boy... "Jungkook said cheerfully.

" Tae.... Take him inside.. He must be hungry... "Jungkook suggested.

"But..... Papa.... "

"I will talk with him.. Make him understand... Pls trust me.... "

"I trust you with my all hyung...  "

Jungkook smiled in contentment.

"Papa... He is hungry...... Pls listen to them.... I am coming here after few minutes... " Taehyung said and went upstairs.

"Pls.... Can I talk to you... I want to explain everything from the beginning... Can you pls give me a chance... " Jungkook pleaded.

"Yes.. Mr. Kim... Hear him out first... Then you can do whatever you want... But pls hear this once... " Mrs. Jeon said it this time trying to convince the enraged male.

He finally nodded and instructed jungkook to go on.

They all again settled on the couch. And jungkook began to tell the story from the beginning. About taehyung's state, mijo, sana.. How they behave with him behind his back, how much hardship taehyung had to go throughout the time and how he came to know about taehyung and their son.

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now