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In the class...

"Look who is here.... The fatty potato" Sara comment about jimin after spotting them in the class room.

"Hey whom are you calling fatty potato".... Jimin said shouting.

" Of... Course you... "Sara smirked.

" And I heard that your topper friend is a slut"

"How dare you to talk about my friend like that" Jimin's face turned red in anger.

"When he can do such things... I can also say it.. " Sara said while rolling his hair with his finger.

Taehyung was just sitting on his seat quiety. Trying his hard not to cry in front of them.

Sara was doing this because she was furious. Yesterday jungkook asked about taehyung... But he didn't called Sara by her name for once.

"You are crossing your limit Sara.... Apologize to taehyung.... Otherwise..

" Otherwise what jimini"Sara mocked him while laughing with her friends.... But jenny is sitting there quietly.

"I will complain about this to the principal"

"Ohh... Then go and complain... But before that you should know one thing..... The principal is my father's friend.... And my father is one of the board member of this school.... Did you understand"

"Now... Go and complain... I am ready for the punishment"

"Sara.. Stop harassing them and do your work the teacher is coming" Jenny interrupts.. She doesn't like to harass anyone specifically when they did nothing wrong .

Sara huffed in annoyance and went back to her seat along with her friends.

Jimin went back to his seat which is beside taehyung.

"Tae... Don't take it to your heart... You know na how is she.. She always taunt others. "

" But she was telling the truth about me... I-I am a slut"a single tear left his eyes.

"How many times did I tell you not to think like that.. You did nothing wrong... NOTHING WRONG... Did you get me.. " Jimin said in a serious tone.

Taehyung nodded. Jimin wiped his tears with his hands.

"Just forget it tae... Let's focus on study... "

After few minutes the English teacher came to class and started to teach.

They have their third period with jungkook.

Now it's time for jungkook's class... Taehyung was nervous.

Jungkook entered the class. Most of the students face glowed up. Sara did extra makeup today. Jimin was rolling his eyes looking at her.. and cursing under his breath.

Jungkook started to teach like other days... Cheerful, with a smile on his face. Taehyung is also listings attentively.. And why not history is his favorite subject.

After the lesson jungkook spoke up.. "Mr.kim Taehyung come to my cabin after class"

Sara was smirking.

Taehyung stand up and nodded. Jimin was eating his nails... He is tensed.

Jungkook is their homeroom teacher.. The class and the students are his responsibility.. So when he heard a student absent from school most of the days.. He have to take actions.

After the class taehyung went toward jungkook's cabin along with jimin... Tae's's heart was beating fast.. He is sweating...

When they are leaving from the classroom Sara and friend are laughing behind their back. Jimin want to break their face but he stopped himself.

Taehyung knocked in the door.. "May I come in sir" His voice is shaking.

"Yes.. Come in".. Jungkook normally answered.

" Tae... Nothing will happen.. I am with you.... Just tell him the reason... He will understand ".. Jimin gave him courage.

Taehyung took a deep breath and went inside the room.

He bowed jungkook respectfully.

" Taehyung I want to ask you something "

"Yes sir"

"I heard that you are mostly absent almost two three days in a week... Is it.. True"

Taehyung nodded "ye-yes sir"

"Hmm.. Then may I know the reason" Jungkook politely asked.

"Umm... I have some problem... I don't have anyone so I have to work to sustain my life... Tha-thats why sir. "

" But-but I promise sir... I will do well in exams... I will try my best sir"

"Hmm... I saw that you are the topper of the class... But not attending school is not a good thing... I hope you understand what am I saying"

"But... I understand your problem also...  But pls try to come to school more often... Im not pressuring you... " Jungkook said the last sentence after noticing taehyung's gloomy face... Somehow he didn't want to see him like that... But why ..he didn't know..

"Thank you sir... For your consideration.. I will try to come more often....now...Can I go sir"

Jungkook was looking at his face... Without blinking.. "Ahh... (He composed himself)... Yes.. Yes... You may go the class.

"Thank you sir"

Taehyung bowed him once again and left the room.

"Mr.jeon jungkook'.. Why are you staring at your student like a creep.... Get yourself together.. Or you have to say goodbye to your job".. Jungkook scolded himself.

After taking a long breath... He cleared his mind and resume his job as he was setting a question paper for upcoming test.

The moment Taehyung came out from the cabin jimin bombarded him with questions.

"Are you ok"

"What did he say to you"

"Did he gave you any punishment"

"Did you tell him the reason for your absence"

"Jimin... Stop... I am going to deaf" Taehyung joked.

"Taehyung... Tell me" Jimin said seriously.

"Ok... So.. He didn't.. Pressurized me Or gave me any punishment.. He just told me come school more often"

"And I didn't tell him the whole truth... I just tell him that I have some problems so I have to work by myself"

"He said he understands me..... He is a good hearted teacher " Taehyung smiled.

"Omg... I just love himm.... He is such a angel... I am his biggest fan from now on" Jimin cried.

"Jimin... Lower your voice.... Every one would think you are a mad person".. Taehyung laughed. But.....

After sometimes his face turned sad.

" What's with your sad face tae"

"Jimina.. I am missing my baby... I wonder what is he doing now" Taehyung pouted cutely.

"If I guess it correctly.. He is sleeping after drinking his milk" Jimin answered behaving like a detective.

Taehyung giggled.

"Let's go to the class... Those bitches were enjoying.. They thought you will get a punishment..... But nothing happens like they thought.. " Jimin smirked.

"I am gonna tell them that how much jungkook sir cared for you... Their body will burn in jealousy. "

"No... Jimin..  I don't want that... I just want peace... Let them be....


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