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After two months...

In this two months taehyung's rutine remains the same going to work.. Then school and taking care of eun

But something about jungkook constantly hitting his mind but he decided to not think about it any more.

Jungkook on the other had... Doing his duty like a responsible teacher.. Everything seems fine.

He is talking with mina over the phone... They become really good friends.. Or something more.. Well at least for mina... She is so in love with jungkook.

They meet with each other few times... Having fun.... Eating out..... They become really good friends.

At class...

"Times up..... Handover your paper students" Jungkook said standing up from his seat.

One by one every students handed their paper and went out. The last person were jimin and taehyung... They also handed the paper and waved jungkook goodbye.

Jungkook also waved to them with a smile.

They are walking towards their house
. While walking taehyung was looking at the sky.

"It seems it will rain today... Isn't it? "

After getting no response from jimin he looked at him.

"Hey.... Jimin... Where were you"he shakes jimin.

Jimin was in daze.. " Oh... I was on the question no 5....tae...I think I'm gonna fail
..your friend is going to fail"he started yelling loudly.

"Jimina.... Don't yell. And don't worry
.... You are going to pass like every time" Taehyung started walking.

"You are my lucky charms.... That's why my friend" He ran to him and climbed up on his back.

"Jimina... I am going to fall... Jim-jim" Within a second they fell on the ground and Immediately started laughing.

"Jimin... Stand up.... We need to reach home before the rain"

They stopped laughing and went to their respective home.

Tae bought the baby from Noona's home. He  freshed himself up and started feeding eun while doing homework. The rain have started with s little bit storm which indicates the rain won't stop anytime soon.

"Ahh... Baby... Don't bite momma"

Taehyung's pov:

My baby is now four months old... He have started teething... He bite me sometimes while drinking milk... It hurts so much... But I can endure anything for my baby.

"Baby... Look momma is paining... " Taehyung make a fake crying face in front of the baby.

The baby laughed and covered taehyung's face with saliva... This is baby's technique to show love to her mumma.

"Ohh... My baby... He is a good boy"

The baby laughed.

I played with eun for sometimes... Then he fall asleep... He was very tired after playing.

I cooked something for myself... But after cooking I don't feel like eating.

I went to the window and begins to observe the rain.. I love rain... The smell if rain gives me relief....

After few moments I noticed something.... Someone's car is standing a little far away from their building.

The car seemed familiar. I looked at the car more carefully.... Yes I remember... It is Mr. Jeon's car.

But what is he doing in the middle of the road in such weather. I must go and look at it... What if he needs help.

I took my only umbrella... Covered Eun with blanket to keep him warm.

I went toward the car. I nocked at the door glass.

"Mr.jeon... Are you inside the car"

The glass seemed to be get down. He looked at me.

"Taehyung... What are you doing here"

"I saw your car so I came here... Do you need my help sir"

Jungkook thinks for a minute... "My car suddenly stopped... And my phone is also dead so I stucked here in the middle of the road"

"Then sir.. Pls come with me... The rain won't stop anytime soon.. Instead it is increasing.. It will be very dangerous to stay in the car"

"Is it ok ... If I go with you"

"Yes sir... Perfectly ok... Come with me sir"

Taehyung stepped away from the car door.jungkook get done from the car.

Sir come inside the umbrella otherwise you will get wet.

I took him under my umbrella and took him to my house. I am a little bit embarrassed about my house... But right now he needs a safe shelter.

I opened my door and we stepped in.

Jungkook's pov:

I was badly stuck in the middle of the road... My phone is also dead... Looks like I have to sleep in the car.

Suddenly I heard a knocking on the car so I checked it... It was taehyung... I was surprised.

But he took me to his house... I am seeing his house for the first time... I was here before but I never visited here.

He opened the door and we stepped in.

His house is small but very clean and beautiful.. I liked the environment.

"Mr.jeon.. You sit here... I am bringing a towel".. Taehyung pointed at the only chair in his room.

Jungkook is a little bit awkward.. " Ahh.. Thank you"he went and sat on the chair. Started observing the place.

Taehyung returned with a towel.

"Here... Take it sir.. And wipe your head or you might catch cold"

"Ye-yes... " He took it and started to wipe his head.

"Taehyung... Do you live here".jungkook questioned.

" Yes... I live here... "

"Your place is beautiful.... " He said with a smile.

"Tha-thankyou sir"

"You can stay here today... After the rain stopped you can go back home"

"No.. No... Taehyung... I can manage"

"I don't mind anything sir... You can stay here today"

Suddenly Eun started crying. Taehyung quickly ran to his bedroom.. But jungkook was surprised..

"What's with the crying sound".. He questioned himself.

After few minutes taehyung returned with a crying baby in his arms... Jungkook's eyes were coming out from his socket.

" Baby... Don't cry baby... Look I am here... "Taehyung said while trying to stop the baby from crying... He totally forgot that there was someone else in his apartment today.

" Let me try ".. A sudden voice returned taehyung on earth. He froze.

He totally forgot about jungkook. But jungkook was standing with extending his hands in front of him.

Taehyung gave Eun to jungkook like his body is working on his own..


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