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"What are saying jungkook"... She asked him in disbelief.

" It's the truth mom".. He said head hang low.

"But.... I don't understand why are you saying this.... I am too confused... Pls explain what exactly happened jungkook"... She questioned him with a little bit frustrated voice.

Jungkook slowly nodded.

" Mom... Wait for me"he said and walked towards his room.

"What was he saying, how did this possible.. " She said rubbing her face.

After few minutes jungkook came with a white envelope in his hand. He held that in front of his mother.

"Read this mom" He said nervously.

She quietly took the envelope from his hand and started to read.

Her eyes is now wide as a soccer ball.

"Is-is this real" She stuttered in disbelief.


"But how.... Isn't he your student"

"Yes.... He is"

"Then? "

"Did you force yourself on him".. She said with a stern voice.

A single tear drop slide from his cheeks.

" I am sorry mom... I didn't knew... I really didn't knew what was I doing.... Back then I was too druk to understand anything.. "... He started crying silently.

" When did this happened, why didn't you tell me anything before...... Am I not trustworthy anymore ".. She said with a cracked voice.

" No.. Mom... I trust you the most... I was just afraid that you will hate me.... I am sorry.. "He said crying violently.

Seeing him cry eun also started crying.

Jungkook quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hand, He put Eun on his arm and started straddling him.

Mrs. Jeon was observing everything silently. She has a slight smile in her face.

As the baby was tired with all the playing he quickly slept on his father's comfortable warmth.

"Mom... Let me put him on bed first.. " He asked with quivering voice.

She just nodded.

After tucking eun in bed he came back to his mother.

"Spill everything jungkook... I want to know everything".. She said in a serious tone.

" Ok mom"

"Did you remember before my training session I want to hang out with my friends"


"We went on a bar... We drank too much... And then I came to know Jackson arranged someone for me... Like.. Like... A stri-striper".. Jungkook hesitated before saying the last word.

" And I gave in to the situation.. "He said with a deep breath.

" But after that when I came to know taehyung... I realized something, I started feeling connected with eun"

"Henceforth I discovered a necklace which helps me to dig in the whole incident and I gradually come to know eun is my blood... And that night I was with taehyung... Not a stripper. "

She hear the whole thing with patience.

"So... What did you decided to do next"

"Mom... First tell me do you forgive me, ".. He said crying. Feeling vulnerable.

She quickly stand up from her seat and hugged the crying boy.

" Don't cry my boy.... Your mom is always with you... I was angry at first... But now I understand everything.... I love you my boy".

After few minutes jungkook's cry died down now only the sniffing sound can be heard.

After that they comfortably settled on the sofa with jungkook's head on her lap. She is caressing his hair slowly.

"Mom... He is seventeen.... And I have decided to take full responsibility of him and our son...... I want to give him the happiness he deserves, he have to be mature before his age..... And Somehow I am responsible for it"

"Hmm.... I understand that........ "

"Mom.... Do you accept him"


Jungkook sprinted up from her lap with an unreadable expression.

She laughed out at his son's reaction.

"You fool.... How can I not ha, he gave birth to our blood, my jungkookies son.... He is already our family member.... I will accept him wholeheartedly as my son in law"

Jungkook widely smiled. "Thank you mom... Thank you so much.... I love you mom. "

"I am feeling so happy... I have my grandson now....... And he is super duper cute...... I will show him off in front of my friends.... They would be so jealous..... Yes! "

She started dancing in tiny.

Jungkook's bunny smile grew wide.

"Jungkook... When are you introducing my son in law... I am very eager to see him"

"I will soon mom... But he didn't know the truth.... I haven't told him yet" He said scratching his nape.

"But why? "

"Because... I am scared... What if he didn't accept me, what if he took eun away from me".. He said in a little voice.

She sighed.

" What do you feel about him".. She asked calmly.

"I-I like him... I want to be with him".. He said stuttering.

" Omo... My son... I am over the moon today.... Confess to him soon.... I can't wait to make him my son in law".

"But... Mom.... You need to wait... He is not adult yet... I will do everything with his concent.... I want to enjoy his life, want give him everything he lost, a beautiful life filled with happiness"

"And that's why I am proud of you son... " She said cupping face.

"Mom... Your son is hungry... Quickly feed him"... Said with a pout.

" Hyaa... Aren't you a father now... And you are still being childish... Ahh unbelievable "... She said dramatically.

" Mom.... I am your son... So I am always little for you... Now come on feed me quickly"

She chuckled. "Ok.. Brat..... Come let me feed this little boy"

They both chuckled at their silliness.

After half an hour they she prepare breakfast for them and both ate with a smile on their face.

"Jungkook I am going to live here... I want to spend time with my super cute grandson..... Ok"... She said with fake seriousness.

" Ok.. Mom"he smiled.


Wattpad is pissing me off😌😌😌... And I am trying to stay calm as much as possible.

And I published personal slave today... So go and  checkout 😁😁

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