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Next day at breakfast table..

"Thank you for coming Mr. And mrs. Kang.. We are very happy" Mrs. Jeon greeted them.

"It's our pleasure... Pls don't be formal... After all we are going to be family"

"Yes.. You are right my friend.. We like mina very much.. We are very glad to have her as our daughter in law" Mr, Jeon said to his friend.

"Uncle.. I am very glad to have a man like jungkook... He is very caring to everyone.. I feel myself lucky" Mina answered shyly.

The chuckles and keep on their conversation. Jungkook hasn't present there..

"Umm.. Uncle.. Where is jungkook" Mina hesitatingly asked.

"That brat... I think he is still sleeping... Wait here I am calling him"

"Aunty... No need... Can I go to him instead"

"Ohh.. Yes yes... " She said clapping her hand.

Mina chucked and went towards jungkook's room. She slowly opened the door and went inside the room where jungkook is still sleeping.

"Jungkook.. Wake up.. Aunty is calling you" Mina tried to wake him up.

"Jungkook... Jungkook... JUNGKOOK"she called him a little loudly.

" Ahh.. What happened "he wake up looking like zombie.

Mina chucked.

" Oh.. You... "Jungkook realized.

" Go and fresn'up aunty is calling you.. Come quickly "

Jungkook nodded. Mina cooed at the cute sight. She left the room.

After few times jungkook joined them and wished them good morning.

"So.. The engagement will be held in this Sunday.. Does anyone have any problem"Mrs Jeon questioned.


" Then the date is final"she squealed in happiness.

Mina was looking at jungkook time to time.. But jungkook was thinking something deeply.

After the breakfast jungkook and Mina went to jungkook's room.

"Jungkook... Are you happy with the decision"

"Ye-yes... I have no problem" He answered.

"Then I am relived" She smiled. She sat near jungkook.

"You know.. I like you so much.. When dad told me that you are ready for this marriage I was over the moon" Mina dreamingly said.

Jungkook smiled. "You are my good friend Mina.. That's why I agreed"

"I am glad to hear that" After some chit chat mina went to her house. Jungkook lazily layed on his bed.

He took his phone from his pocket and called someone..


"Hello sir"

"How are you and Eun"

"We are good.. Don't worry" Taehyung answered sounding happy.

It crept smile on jungkook's face.

"Are you well sir"

"Yes.. I am good... Are you on your work"

"Yes sir"

"Then... Take care of yourself and eun.. I won't disturb at the time of work... Bye bye"

"Bye sir" With that they cut the call.

Jungkook sighs. Rolling on the bed.

Time skip to engagement day..

Jungkook and Mina got engaged. (A/n..for you guys I haven't include the ceremony details 😅)

Mina was too happy. Jungkook was also happy seeing his parents' happy face.

Mina hugged jungkook. Jungkook was just standing.

"My beautiful daughter in law.. I am very happy for you both" Mrs Jeon was very happy seeing them.

We are now relatives my friend. Mr. Kang congratulates his friend. Every family members were happy.

But there is something that constantly stinging jungkook's heart.. But he can't idea what it is.

After the ceremony ends everyone went from there including the Kang family.

After hugging his parents jungkook went to his room to change.

"Umm.... Where is my favorite ear rings" Jungkook' was finding his favorite earing set in his closet "

After searching for fifteen minutes he found his ring along with a chain.

"Ahh.. Finally I found you.. You naughty ear rings"

He scolded his ear rings.

"But.. What is it... It is not mine.. The chain? "

Suddenly he remenbers something.

"Isn't the chain I found in the hotel room... Yes that is the one.. But I never found it owner"

He pouted and placed it on a table.

After that he got fresn'up.. And went to bed.

Like other days he again looking at the picture of eun........ But suddenly he sat up from his lying position.

"Is.. Isn't it the same chain that taehyung was wearing in the picture? ".......

Double update 😎

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