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Next day morning.

Jackson was in jungkook's apartment... He decided to stay here for few days.. Looking at jungkook's condition... And somehow he blames himself for jungkook's condition.

They both are wide awake from previous night.... Jungkook didn't uttered any word after arriving in his apartment.

"Jungkook?... Are you going today? "

He nodded "yes"

"Collect the baby's hair sample and put it in the bag" He gave him a small plastic bag.

Jungkook feels like he was doing some crime.. But he have to do that... For taehyung's sake, for himself.

Jungkook took a shower and made himself redy with casual clothes.

"I am going to his House... Meet me directly at the hospital"

Jackson nodded.

After 15 minutes he arrived at taehyung's place with a toy for eun.

After debating with himself many times.. He finally knocked on the door.

After twenty seconds someone opened the door.. But it was not taehyung but jimin.. With eun on his arms.

"Umm.. Where is taehyung"

"Oh.. Sir he went to get some vegetables.. And milk"

"Oh.. "

"Sir.. Come on in.. "

For jungkook it's good thing that taehyung is not here.. Otherwise he didn't know how he would react"

"I-I.. Bought a toy for eun... And it's not expensive... I can assure you" Jungkook stuttered while saying those words.

Jimin chuckled. "Sir.. Don't be nervous.. He will accept it"

Jungkook nodded and took eun in his arms... His heart felt relief... Kook kissed his forehead multiple times before placing him on his chest while caressing his back.... His eyes got teary.

Jimin noticed everything. But he can't understand why jungkook was behaving like this..... It is quite unusual for him.

Eun slept on his chest. Jungkook also took his few hairs and put it in the plastic bag while jimin went to bring water for jungkook.

"Baby... If your are my blood.. I promise that... I will always protect you and your mumma.. And give you everything you deserve... I love you baby" He kissed his head while whispering those words.

"But if you are not.... Then my promise will remain the same"

With that he left the place.. After keeping eun securely on his bed.

"Sir... Your water.... Sir?... Where are you? Jimin was quite confused.

Jungkook directly went to the hospital where Jackson is already waiting for him.

" Did you get it"


"Then let's go"

They consulted with the doctor who is a gynecologist.

Doctor:don't worry Mr. Jeon we will surely give you the correct results.

"Thank you doctor"

Doctor:it will take some time... You can wait here or you can go home also.. We will call you when it will be ready.

"No.. I want to wait here... And pls keep this matter a secret"

Doctor:no problem sir.

The doctor collected his blood sample and eun's hair sample and went to do his job.

A boy who always smileWhere stories live. Discover now