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Jungkook was trusting deeply... The sinful moan driving him crazy... He started pounding him more faster and soon he came with a jolt filling him up to the brim.

Taehyung was crying in pain and pleasure while keeping his eyes shut.

It was continued for three hours.. Till June exhausted himself and slept.

Taehyung's subconscious mind was crying... He was crying in his sleep... He might don't know right now but... He didn't wanted it.... He didn't wanted it to happen.

Jungkook slept satisfying his needs without knowing.. It can change his whole life..

At morning...

Jungkook's pov:

I woke up hearing the phone's ringtone. I groaned and with a groggy voice answered my phone.

"Hello" I picked up the phone without looking at the screen.

"Did you like my surprise"

"What... " Jungkook answered in a sleeping state.

"How was the night dude... Did he satisfied you... I know he did, I heard that he was professional"he smirked.

"Anyways it's almost 11 am we are heading back... I am leaving the driver behind.. Go home quickly.. Your mother called me hundred times.. As you aren't picking up"

"Oh.. I have to go... Bye".. With out listening anything he cut the call. Jungkook' is in daze.. What the hell Jackson saying...

Professional?... Satisfied?.. Wha-

His voice stuck in his throat when he found himself in a unfamiliar room.. After roaming his eyes.. His gaze fell on a sleeping figure besides him covered in white duvet... Face was hidden under his long brown hair.

Jungkook was shocked.. Maybe beyond shocked.. He was sleeping beside someone... While he was fully naked and looks like the person beside him also nacked.

They might have done something. And looking at his state jungkook was sure he clearly had sex with the other person..

Suddenly he remembered Jackson's words...

"This is the surprise you are boasting about.... Ahh... I will kill you Jackson" He said in his mind with frustration.

He then went to bathroom and quickly cleaned himself up and wore his clothes. Taehyung was still sleeping.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom wanted to call the other person.. But he drop his thoughts.. He didn't even saw his face.

Jungkook's pov:

I haven't saw his face but he looked small.. And soft.

But.. Ahhh... Now I have a headache very bad... The alcohol.... Ahh..

The boy is sleeping peacefully I should get going..

Jungkook left the room... But before that he left a bundle of note.. In the side table.

He went towards his car and hopped on. Trying to remember about previous night's incidents.He can't remember anything but he did remember he was thrusting into him.. And the feeling was heveanly.

"Did I done the correct thing... I should have seen his face"

His thoughts were diverted by a sudden phone call.

He looked at the screen.. And panicked.. "Oh.. Shit.. I forgot to call mom.. She will kill me"

"Hel-hello... Mom.. Good morning"

"Good morning my foot.. Where were you the whole night"

"Ahh.. I was with Jackson and friends"

"And why aren't you picking up my calls... Were you doing something... Like.. Adults.. "

"Ahh.. No.. No.. Mom... We had few drinks.. And then slept.... Nothing has happened like your imagination.. "

Though he share everything with her... He can't share this.. It is a little embarrassing for him.

"Ahh.. Ah I believed you.. Now come home quickly.. Your dad is waiting for you"

"Dad?... Why"

"I don't know... Ask yourself"

"Hmm.. Ok... Bye mom... I am coming within one hour"

"Drive safely"

"Ok.. Mom.. Love you... Bye".. He cut the call.

" Driver.. Dive fast... I need go quickly "

"Ok.. Sir"They drive towards their home.


" I got the full payment... Now I have another work to do... After that I will be free from a burden".

She laughed mentally. She went towards the room and entered inside.

Looking at the room's state.. And smell of the room making it clear what happened last night.

She looked at the sleeping figure in the room and smirked..

"Taehyung... Wake up slut" She called him harshly.

"Taehyung... You piece of shit.... Wake up"

Taehyung woke up by her loud voice... But unable to recognize the surrounding.

He asked confused.. "Mom.. Where am I "

She laughed.. "After sleeping with someone for money... You are asking 'where am I '... Such a slut"

"Mom.. I am not a slut... "

"Fine... Then... Look at your state... Do you think a good person will do that... Sleeping with strangers"

Taehyung finally looked at himself... Soon he realized that he was nacked.. His body is filled with marks and most importantly.. His back and lower region was paining.

A tear drop escape from his eyes... He was terrified... He didn't remember what happened to him.... He just remembered that a stranger saved him from falling...

"Mom.. I haven't done anything wrong.... I don't know what happened with me.... Mom... Pls... Believe me mom... I am not a slut ".. He said crying.

" Look... The one whom you slept with leave you some money... I think you are very good at satisfying men"

"No... Mom... Don't say like that... I didn't do anything"

"Taehyung I am ashamed of you.... I didn't expect this from you.... "

"You are a disgrace of our family.... And I took a decision... A slut like you can't live in my house.. You can find another place to live.. And continue whoring around. "

"No.. Mom... No... Where will I go... I have no place to live"

"I don't know... Just do whatever you want... And I am taking this money with me..as a prize money for taking care of you till now"

She took the money and left the room... Taehyung was now a crying mess..

He wanted to follow her.. Explain her that he didn't done anything... But he can't. The sharp pain in his lower region make him fall on the ground

He was crying hysterically. He didn't understand what happen with him over night... He just remember some blurry images of a man.. But his face is not clear.

After crying half an hour.. He slowly lift himself up to the washroom.

While cleaning himself he saw some blood on his thighs and some white substance leaking from his private area... He understands what the thing is and again broke down...

How is the chapter.. Comment me.. 💜💜💜

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