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Jungkook was the first one to wake up and the sight that the cutest person in the world embracing him like his life dependent on him with a adorable pout.

Jungkook smiled in anticipation... Soon remembering last night events making him smile shyly.

He scoot closer to taehyung tracing his eyes on his beauty feature.

They both are naked under the duvet. Jungkook can feel taehyung's soft chest squeezed between them as taehyung is hugging him,.

The elder traces his fingers through his cheeks, softly removing the locks from his face.

Taehyung squirmed a little them hugged jungkook more tightly making him chuckle softly. Jungkook also hugged him back pecking his crown. Supporting his chene on his head .

Suddenly jungkook heard a soft knock in the door.

"Who is knocking.. " Jungkook whispered to himself but nonchalantly went to open the door.

He untangle himself from taehyung with great difficulty... Then wore his shirt and pant. After that he opened the door but not fully.

"Oh... Mom... "

"Hmm... Yes.... I didn't want to disturb you lovebirds but.. Your son is whining for his mumma, dada.... So I had to come... ".. Mrs. Jeon is dramatically.

" Mom..... "

"Ok... Ok.... I am not teasing you..... Then take my fluff ball to his mumma.. "

"Then... Where is my prince.. Hmm? "

Jungkook kneeled down on the floor as Eun is hiding behind Mrs Jeon's legs.

He peeped and chucked seeing his father.

"Where is my naughty Eun.... Won't he come to his dada... "

Eun again giggled.

"Is my Eun playing hide and seek with his dada..? " Jungkook asked smiling.


Jungkook heard the answer smiling ear to ear at the cute behavior of his naughty son.

While the father and son busy with themselves Mrs. Jeon saw taehyung on the bed sleeping. Taehyung finally accepted jungkook and his love.. She can tell just by seeing him. She felt relief.

Jungkook finally catched Eun who is trying to run from his father.

"Don't wanna go to mumma baby... " Jungkook asked before kissing Eun's chubby cheeks.

"Yeshh... I wanth.... I miss mumma.... Soooooo much.... " He said spreading his tiny hand.

"Um..... I think you really miss your mumma so much... Then should we go to your mumma.... "

"Yeshhh.... Go... Dada"

"Ok baby.. " Jungkook bopped his nose with Eun.

"Jungkook... I am going downstairs... Come to have breakfast..... "

"Ok..... Tae is still sleeping... Once he got up we are coming... "

"Ok.... Take care of him... I don't want my cute son in law to feel any pain because of you...... " She said with a teasing smirk and left the place.

Jungkook face has went red in embarrassment.

"Dada...... Ish.. Mumma in pain... " Eun asked Worriedly.

Jungkook's face palmed. "Um.. Ah... No baby... He is alright... Don't worry baby..." Jungkook smiled nervously not sure what to answer his prince.

By that time taehyung also woke up and wore jungkook's shirt which was hanging on the headboard.

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