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"Nah.. What are you thinking jungkook.. It must be the similar one.. Many people have the same chain".. Jungkook said to himself.

" But... Soha.. Said that taehyung told her about the chain.. The chain is very special to taehyung as his mother gave him before her death "

Jungkook was debating with himself in his mind. After debating many times he called him... Because he was very anxious.. He can't hold himself back from calling taehyung.

On call....

Hello taehyung


How was your work going?

"It's good sir" Taehyung attentively answered.

Ah... May I ask you a question.. If you don't mind.

"No.. No.. Ask me.. I have no problem"

So I want to say is that..... The chain I have saw in picture back in your home.. Is it still with you.

"Why are you asking that sir"

No-nothing I was just asking. (He said with a awkward smile)

"Umm.. I lost it one year one and a half year ogo... That was my mom's chain.. Only one of a kind" Taehyung answered with a saddened voice.

"Is-is it? ".. Jungkook shuttered.

" Yes.. I really miss it"suddenly Eun started crying.

"Sir... Eun is crying... I have to feed him... Bye sir"

"Ok... Bye"

Jungkook's mind is at mess. He can't think anything.

"How does it possible.. There must be a misunderstanding... I am thinking too much" He was calming himself down and lay down to sleep.

Next morning.

They were having breakfast. Jungkook is still debating in his mind.

"I am too happy for you jungkook" Mrs. Jeon spoke up.

Jungkook just mildly smiled.

"Why are you so silent today my boy
..what are you thinking"

"Nothing maa.. Just some school matters"

"Ohh... Don't think too much... Every thing will be ok"

Jungkook nodded.

The door bell rang...maids opened the door.

"Good morning aunty... Good morning uncle" Mina greeted everyone with cheerful voice.

"Good morning jungkook" She smiled.

"Oh.. My daughter in law... Wish you a very good morning"

Thank you aunty.

"Good morning" Mrs Jeon answered.

"Morning" Jungkook wished without any smile on his face.

"Can I borrow jungkook for today... I wanted to go shopping with him" Mina sweetly spoke.

"Of course... I telling jungkook to get ready real quick... Ok? "

"Ok aunty" She smiled and sat down. Looking at jungkook.

"Kook did you heard that.... Go and get ready"

"Ok maa.... Going" Jungkook said and went upstairs to his room.

After getting ready they both went in jungkook's car to the shopping mall.

"It is our first date as a couple... Are you excited jungkook".. Mina asked with excitement.

But jungkook didn't heard anything.. He was thinking something deeply.

She shake him a little.

" Jungkook.. Did you heard what I said"

Jungkook came back from his trans.

"Ah.. Yes.. What was you saying"

"I said are you excited in our first date"

"Oh... Yes" Jungkook answered quickly to drop the conversation.

"Look our rings are perfect for each other" She smiled dreamily.

Jungkook let his thoughts slide for a moment and went to enjoy the day thinking her as a friend.

After whole day shopping and playing they went to buy cake for jungkook's mother.

In cake shop-

They are buying cake. Suddenly a man noticed them.

"Hey... Jungkook man.. How are you"

"Jackson... I am fine... How are you buddy" Jungkook excitedly hugged him.

"As you can see... I  am totally dashing"

Jungkook chuckled. "You and your humor"

He noticed someone beside jungkook.

"Hi... I am Mina.. Jungkook's fiance"

She said before jungkook could speak anything.

Jackson looking at him with disbelief. "Dude... You are engaged.. And you haven't even invited us... I am very offended" He said sulking.

"I wanted to invite you but I couldn't reached you in phone.. And you were also not in town so...... Sorry buddy"

"Ok ok... I am forgiving you... But you have to treat me for having such beautiful wife"

Mina blushed.

After some conversations Mina excused everyone and went to washroom.

Suddenly something clicked on jungkook's mind.

"Jackson... Did you remember that before my joining we went to a bar cum hotel"

Jackson flashes a naughty smile. "Yes.. I do remember.. And also about your hot night"

"Then do you remember.. The person's name with whom I was with"

Jackson thinks for a moment. "Umm
.. I don't quite remember... But he looks very tiny... Not looking like his age...but he was too beautiful"

"What was his age" Jungkook desperately questioned.

"Something like 19 or 20
.. I didn't remember correctly"

"But why are you asking me that... Did something happened"

"Nothing... Every thing is fine"

"But you don't seem fine to me.... Do!-"

"What are you guys talking about... Is it interesting" Mina suddenly entered in their conversation.

Jackson smirked. "Nothing... Just some random talks... Isn't it jungkook" He said in a mocking tone.

Jungkook didn't answered anything.

"Oh.. I have to go... I have to go somewhere..... Bye.. See a" With that Jackson leave the place talking with someone in the phone.

Jungkook was freaking out within. "I need to return... I need to ask taehyung.... I have many questions.... I am too confused. " He said to himself.

"Jungkook... Are you ok... You are spacing out again"

"Ohh.. Sorry.. Let's head back home"

"Hmm.. Ok" They both went to their car and set out towards Jeon Manson.

💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😊😊😊😊😊😊 New update..... 😇

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