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Sana told her mother the whole incident that she witnessed.

"It must be that.. B*tch already captured him under his palm... You need to do something quickly"

"But.. What mom" She whinned.

"Umm... First try to seduce him... It will surely work then show him how much of a pure girl you are , try to win his heart.. " She suggested her.

"Ok.. Mom.. I will do as you said"

"Hmm... Ok... Bye then"

She cut the call.

"Hmm... I have to look pretty to make him fall for me, I will also try my best to seduce him.. " She smirked while thinks those.

"Nuna... I am making dinner for you... What do you want to eat" He asked while arranging vegetables which was given by jungkook on his way back.

"Umm... Just make whatever you like... Ok" She sweetly answered.

"Ok.nuna".. Taehyung concentrate on his cooking.

Sana was looking through the whole place and something caught her eyes which is a baby clothing.

" Umm... Taehyung.. What is this baby dress doing here"she asked in confusion.

A sudden chill ran through his spine. His face lost his color.

"Umm... It's... It's.. The clothes of neighbor's baby... I must took in mistakenly".. He smiled in nervousness.

" Ohh.. Anyways... Is your cooking done"

"Yes... Almost... And I have to go to work after dinner, can you live there on your own"

"Yes... I can.. And moreover I am going to shopping so don't worry, I might come home late ok"

"Ok.. " Taehyung left a breath of relief.

Taehyung served the food to her and himself then finished it quickly.

He hurriedly rushed to his workplace. Though he have work after one hour he reached their quickly because jungkook is coming there with eun.

Upon reaching the place he spotted jungkook's car and a jungkook who was standing with eun in hir arm.

He quickly rushed to him.

"Eun baby... Missed mumma"

Eun quickly embrace his mumma.

"Mumma missed baby shoo shoo much" He kissed his forehead lovingly.

"Can this poor hyung get a hug".. Jungkook said with a pout.He hugged them whole with his long arm feeling content to get to hug his family.

Taehyung was smiling so as Eun. Jungkook took them for a ice cream treat.

Taehyung was giggling in the because of jungkook's silly jokes while eating his favorite strawberry flavor ice-cream. Eun is in jungkook's lap who is in his deep slumber.

But someone is fuming in anger seeing them together, enjoying their little ice-cream date.

"Oh... It's my work time.. O have to go.. "

"Ok... Let me pay the bill first, o will drop you then" Jungkook said and went to pay the bill handing over Eun to taehyung.

After that he dropped taehyung to his workplace and take Eun with him.

After work taehyung reached his home and noticed Sana is not at home.

He quick made something for himself and after eating he went to bed, feeling too exhausted but he was awake for a certainly phone call.

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