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Next day two over excited being get appeared at the said place but they hide their expression behind their sorry face and ring the bell.

As it was Sunday taehyung was present at home so as jungkook. Hearing the doorbell they both reached the door. Taehyung was the one who opened it.

After opening it taehyung is engulfed in a unexpected hug.

"Ohh... My.. Boy you are such an angel" She fake cried.

Taehyung was overwhelmed by the sudden love. He was just standing with a awkward smile.

"Oh.. Your are his teacher right? Mr.jungkook. you are also here? " She act surprised.

"Ahaa.. Yes.. Taehyung is living with me.. "

"Oh... Why so.. " She asked confused.

Taehyung and jungkook looked at each other not sure what to answer.

"Sorry.. We are interrupting.... I am just like this.. "Mijo apologized with fake tears.

" Oh.. No no... Mrs. Kim... Don't apologize.. Come inside.. ".. Jungkook invited them inside.

In the whole time sana was just checking out jungkook as he was in a casual shirt and shorts.

After settling in the couch taehyung served them water. They thanked and drank it.

" Mother.. Noona.. We prepared the room in first floor.. The room is specious you will be comfortable there".. Taehyung said with a assuring smile.

Mijo internally rolled her eyes but outside she maintains her victim face.

"I want to say thank you for helping us... You are very good hearted son.. " She complimented jungkook.

"You are my elder.. Don't thank me.. After all you are taehyung's mother.. "Jungkook looked at taehyung in a certain way that conforms mijo's suspicion.

Mijo just hummed.

" Taehyung.. Show me the room.. I need to take a beauty sleep.. "Sana uttered the word in a way that sounds like taehyung is her slave. And jungkook didn't like her tone at all.

Taehyung showed them the room then come downstairs to jungkook. He is thinking something very deeply.

" Hyung... What are you thinking.. "He asked him with a little shake on his shoulders.

" Umm... Nothing.. Where is Eun? "

"He is still sleeping... Such a sleepy head" Taehyung chuckled at his own remark.

Jungkook also laughed at the statement.

Suddenly the heard the familiar crying voice indicating someone is already awake.

Taehyung immediately went to eun with jungkook following behind.

"Omo.. Omo.. What happens to my boba ball.. Why is he crying... "

"Look here my prince... Your dada is here.. Don't cry.. "

They are trying to console the crying fluffy ball who is crying non stop.

"Buba... Do you want your dada to show a monkey dance for us... " Taehyung suggested.

Jungkook's face palmed. How on earth he will do a monkey dance.

Hearing taehyung eun magically stopped crying. Jungkook thought he don't have to do the weird dance but he realized he was so wrong. When jungkook went to him to put him on his lap he started crying again making taehyung a laughing mess.

Jungkook accepted his defeat and started doing his weird money dance. The mother son duo were laughing their hearts out seeing his dance.

Jungkook also feeling very happy seeing his two favorite being laughing and that's because of him. He is ready to do all kind of weird dances just to see them smile.

After fifteen minutes of hardwork the dance finally stopped making jungkook breathe in relief.

"Tae... I am changing his diaper.. You go bring his food.. " Jungkook suggested.

Taehyung nodded and walked out from the room.

Jungkook changed eun's clothes as well as his diaper then carry him to the living room.

Taehyung was preparing food in the kitchen and they saw it clearly from the place where they are sitting.

Eun was giggling as he was getting constant kissy on his cheeks and tummy by his dada.

On the other side....

Sana directly went to washroom after reaching the room.

Mijo was sitting on the bad thinking about her master plan.

But she suddenly heard a crying voice of a baby. She weirded out. The moment she was going out to check what the matter the voice stopped so she shrugged it off and started scrolling her mobile.

After changing their clothes and all they came to the living room and witnessed an unbelievable event which made their jaw drop in shock.

A baby is sitting on jungkook's lap where taehyung is feeling him with a little spoon. All three are smiling happily.

Mijo cleared her throat to get their attention.

Taehyung gulped seeing them but jungkook hold his hand assuring him that everything will be fine.

"Umm... May I ask who is this baby.. " Mijo asked with great curiosity.

Sana nodded supporting her mother's question.

"Oh.. His name is Jeon Ha-eun.. My son.. " He answered like a proud father.

Now their state is like they could faint anytime with that sudden information.

"Your so-son?... Are you married" Sana asked in shock.

"Umm... No... But I already have a son... Do you have any problem with that.. " Jungkook directly answered as he doesn't quite like her from the first day.

"He loves me so much that's why I  am taking care of him.. " Taehyung uttered in nervousness.

Mijo nodded in understanding. Sana is feeling like her money is running from her grip seeing jungkook's son.

"Do you need anything Mrs. Kim" Jungkook politely asked.

Sana is in the brink of breakdown. So she denied . She excused themselves and dragged Sana from there.

"Mom... He has a son... How can I be his wife mom.... I want his money... " She cried.

"Hey dumb.. Stop your crying.... And listen to me carefully.. "

She sniffed and nodded.

"Ok.. So jungkook has a son, but he doesn't have a wife right? "

"Yes... But what are you trying to say.. " Sana interrupted.

"Eat some more nut you dumb.. Didn't you see he is a single father.. He must have that son from his one night stand and he needs a mother.. "

"That's why that taehyung bitch is taking care of the child in order to capture jeon jungkook fully.... Didn't you understand his plan... "

"Ohh... You are right mom... That must be the case.... So what I need to do mom? "

"Hmm... Ok... You have to show jungkook that you can take care of that child better than taehyung and you could be a good mother to him... " She smirked.

"But mom.... I don't like children at all what if the pee on me.... Ewww".. She made a disgusted face.

Mijo being done with her daughter slapped her head.

" You dumb ass daughter of mine... Just do whatever I say.. "She shouted.

Mina rolled her eyes in annoyance.

What do you think about this mother and daughter.. Comment your thoughts.. ☺

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